This week, a new component called Asset was added to the growing list of Symfony components (check out its work in progress documentation). In addition, the Propel bridge was removed from Symfony core and moved to the Propel organization.
Symfony2 development highlights
- f82193d: [FrameworkBundle] fixed title and placeholder rendering in php form templates
- a642e4b: [Console] fixed ArrayInput when array contains 0 key
- dcb2306: [Translator] implemented TranslatorBagInterface in the LoggingTranslator
- 1a9aca7: [TwigBridge] removed duplicated code from TwigRenderer
- 21693e4: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed event listener attaching error in IE
- 97cff75: [Asset] added the component
- cad9e0f: [WebProfilerBundle] replaced raster PNG icons with vector SVG icons
- 1cf8eb2: [Serializer] Normalizers can serialize collections and scalars
- becd694: [2.7] added deprecation warning for get request service in controller
- 3f4b87d: removed Propel bridge from Symfony Core
- a756f5b: [Debug] generalized deprecated interfaces tracking
- d7432c0: added an auto_alias compiler pass
- 0d97759: [Console] removed deprecated methods from Command class
Newest issues and pull requests
- Doctrine Type Guesser should make better decisions about isRequired
- Translator component performance
- Should we make twig extension functions for accessing ICU Data?
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow sessions without cookies
- When username is NULL, web debug toolbar shows as not being authenticated
- bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig template should be traitable
- [Form] Translate timezones in TimezoneType
- [DX][Routing] Host requirement on imported routes
They talked about us
- Running Symfony2 on PHP7
- Creating Rich, Interactive Web Projects With Symfony Framework
- How to access Symfony OAuth2 api from main firewall without tokens
- The Symfony Front End (Developing Maintainable Templates With Symfony 2)
- PHPunit @before Annotations and traits for code-reuse
- Symfony Dom Crawler Component and UTF-8 HTML
- Hola, Señora – SymfonyCon 2014 Madrid
- Votre première application symfony2
- Symfony2. Универсальный инструмент для быстрого приготовления табличных списков в административной панели