This week, the upcoming Symfony 2.7 version added the possibility of loading multiple YAML or XML files located in Resources/config/validation/ directory and moved loading resources into Translator initialization for performance reasons. In addition, Doctrine bridge introduced a feature to cache entity loader based on query builder.
Symfony2 development highlights
- a73413e, d05cffb: static code analysis across codebase
- de0bd91: removed the use of references in PHP code (they are error prone and trigger too many copies-on-writes)
- 43f74ef: [travis] test with local components instead of waiting for the subtree-splitter when possible
- 1af6a9e: fixed XSS issue in the exception handler
- f86ad95: [DependencyInjection] fixed service resolution for factories
- cbd0525: used HTML5 meta charset tag and removed hardcoded UTF-8 charset
- ef41059: [WebProfilerBundle] set debug+charset on the ExceptionHandler fallback
- 1e64220: changed visibility of setUp() and tearDown to protected
- 8289ec3: [HttpFoundation] MongoDbSessionHandler::read() now checks for valid session age
- 52ab206: defined some tests as legacy with the new @legacy group
- c07a902: [Form] added a default button class for Bootstrap buttons
- cc18a59: [SecurityBundle] switched user input option to an array in SetAclCommand
- 25ef76f: [FrameworkBundle] added domain column when debugging translations
- 6963887: [FrameworkBundle] validator now loads any YAML or XML file located in Resources/config/validation/ directory
- 22f4807: [HttpKernel] throw a LogicException when kernel.exception does not led to a Response
- 132b3b1: [Debug] deprecated ExceptionHandler::utf8Htmlize
- a4b7da5: [Assets] made templating.helper.assets service available again for BC reasons
- 42b682b: [Doctrine bridge] allow to cache entity loader based on query builder
- bf5c583: [Translation] moved loading resources into Translator initialize method for performance reasons
Newest issues and pull requests
- Validator does not pass the object along all the time
- [Security] Change of username / password does not cause logout
- [Validator] File maxSize does not work properly?
- [Serializer] Call to a normalize() function on SerializerInterface in PropertyNormalizer
- [DependencyInjection] Cannot dump compiled Container if a factory service is inlined
SwiftMailer development highlights
- 852c674: reset read pointer in SimpleMimeEntity
- 7186319: SpoolTransport now sets RESULT_SPOOLED instead of RESULT_SUCCESS in order to be able to make the difference between a spooled mail and a sent mail
- ca1310a: allow SMimeSigner to have intermediate certificates needed by the signing certificate
- c6f67bf: fixed base64 encoding with streams