A week of symfony #442 (15-21 June 2015)
June 21, 2015 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony project showed an impressive development activity. First, Symfony 2.6 gained PHP7's Throwable exceptions support and improved the output of VarDump for better readability. Second, Symfony 2.8 focused on the Form component, which added a new Range form type and added the prototype_data option to collection type. Lastly, the master branch kept removing deprecated features that won't be included in Symfony 3.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 4a4fea7: static Code Analysis for Components
- e8b924c: standardize the name of the exception variables
- d29bfdc: [Debug] fixed fatal-errors handling on HHVM
- 45579fd: [Form] filtered non-integers when selecting entities by int ID
- 086c58c: [DoctrineBridge] bypass the db when no valid identifier is provided in ORMQueryBuilderLoader
- 4dc727f: [Debug, VarDumper] fixed handling of PHP7 exception/error model
- 138f4a9: [Console] fixed fluent interface for Table helper
- d2ebd51: [Debug] fixed log level of stacked errors
- e448fad: [VarDumper] fixed dump output for better readability
- 600078a: [DependencyInjection] do not trigger deprecation error in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
- dae98e0: fixed unsilenced deprecation notices
- 256d441: [FrameworkBundle] reuse PropertyAccessor service for ObjectNormalizer
- 65f9291: [Translation] added a filter in the profiler
- b52e197: [Form] added the 'range' form type
- 80b0a80: [Form] added "prototype_data" option to collection type
- 6c554c6: [Form] deprecated "cascade_validation"
- 74d794b: [Form] fixed sending non array data on submit to ResizeListener
- 35f0a32: [Console] removed deprecated stuff from the Console component
- 94de779: [Translator] changed the visibility of the locale from protected to private
- 07a1790: [Config] removed deprecated stuff from the Config component
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Form] Add default implementation for AbstractType::getName()
- Extract the Templating component
- Declaring a service with a leading slash leads to syntax errors in cached container
- [Intl] Twig is not using bundled ICU data
- Trailing slash in Request base URL
- Date form type isn't render correctly when using locale 'es'
- label_attr arguments ignored in bootstrap_3_layout
They talked about us
- Building a RESTFul API with Symfony 2, Part 1
- Symfony Forms with Bootstrap 3 : Rendering a help block
- More with EasyAdminBundle
- Accessing Google Analytics Data from Symfony
- Symfony 2.7.0 released,the new LTS version
- Resumen de la reunión del Symfony Core (18-06-2015)
- Iniciando com Symfony 2 – Parte Final
- 2.7から始めるSymfony2[PHP][Symfony]
- CakePHPで作った サービスをSymfony2で書き直した話
- Создание сайта “Обратный отсчет” на Symfony2
- Интеграция Symfony 2 и Google Calendar
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