This week, Symfony 2.3.32 maintenance version was released. Meanwhile, a lot of deprecations were removed in the master branch and the profiler was updated to group related deprecation messages. Lastly, Twig, Silex and Swiftmailer projects showed a nice development activity, including new features such as adding Traversable support for replace, merge and sort Twig filters.
Symfony2 development highlights
- e1b7e46: [FrameworkBundle] fixed templating.helper.code.file_link_format when defined by ini setting
- cb30301: [Console] used the description when no help is available
- 79e29c1: [Translator] fixed circular reference in fallback catalogues
- b1bd068: [VarDumper] fixed missing support for dumping PHP7 return type
- 8d6e337: [HttpKernel] grouped deprecation notices
- cd167f4: mark deprecated Twig functions as deprecated with the Twig feature
- 835aa78: [Form] fixed choice type groups with empty array
- d4441e9: [Translation] added <tool> element metadata to XliffFileDumper
- 8fbab1e: [Config] maintained the info content when dumping the prototypes information
- 353c94d: [Translation] deprecated DiffOperation and introduced a new TargetOperation class
- b1f3d52: removed various deprecations
- 09ee344: [Security] removed deprecated interfaces
- 4a3e2f4: [DependencyInjection] removed deprecated scope concept
- 31eb498: removed most legacy tests
- 640b95a: [FrameworkBundle] removed deprecated code paths
Newest issues and pull requests
- Improved the way commands are loaded/displayed
- [Console] RFC for Symfony 3.0: Show errors even when --quiet is present
- Yaml parser incorrectly handles float-valued keys
- [Validator] Cascade validation groups from GroupSequence instead of Default
- Using parameters with - or . in assets_base_urls fatals in 2.7.3
Twig development highlights
- e403363: fixed escaping strategy detection based on filename
- 542dd3a: added Traversable support for replace, merge and sort
Silex development highlights
- 41c6212: verified that the spool is enabled and an actual spool before flushing it
- 50fbc38: removed mandatory dependency on request_stack and some monolog improvements
SwiftMailer development highlights
- cff72ef: fixed crlf for subject using mail
- aafa3aa: added return-path header to ignoredHeaders list
- dae3bc6: various dead code cleanups, simplifications and phpdoc fixes
- 53de923: passed charsetChanged() call to the safeEncoder
- d791ebe: added methods to set custom stream context options
- 446c78f: added getLastUsedTransport in Swift_Transport_LoadBalancedTransport
They talked about us
- Using Codeception for Symfony Projects
- Symfony a RESTFul app: Motivation
- How Symfony Changed My Life
- Learning by doing in workshops, discussions and online interaction
- PHP Summer Camp 2015 Review
- Symfony a RESTFul app: REST Levels 0, 1, 2 ( FOSRestBundle, JMSSerializerBundle )
- Dogfooding your REST APIs