This week, Symfony 2.3.34 and 2.7.6 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the Symfony Live San Francisco conference took place with great success. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference announced a new track to its schedule, giving you more reasons to attend the biggest event in Symfony's history.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 0d14064: [Security] don't allow to install the split Security packages
- e6c89f1: use mb_detect_encoding with $strict = true
- 3490e98: [DoctrineBridge] fixed issue which prevented the profiler to explain a query
- 65bef75: added the new Composer exclude-from-classmap option
- 284dc75: [PropertyAccess] major performance improvement
- e871db7: [Form] updated Doctrine type guessers to use FQCNs for guessed types
- 303f05b: rely on iconv and symfony/polyfill-*
- 4bffacc: [WebProfilerBundle] filter links in search results
- 14acadd: [Security] checkCredentials() force it to be an affirmative yes
- 78512cc: removed polyfills for unsupported php versions
- 87d5589: [Serializer] removed deprecated method in JsonEncoder
- cd62d17: [Security] removed deprecated SrtingUtils class
- cd6351f: fixed Twig deprecation notices
- 5d4b5b4: [Templating] remove deprecated method in PhpEngine
Newest issues and pull requests
- Too many routes error
- Output of debug:container --parameter=[..] is truncated
- [Stopwatch] Different behaviour if grouped with other tests
Twig development highlights
- 847d48e: deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::initRuntime() to allow splitting Twig extensions into two different phases: compilation and runtime. Ultimately this allow us to lazy-load Twig extensions
- 72485c2: deprecated the possibility to override an extension by registering another one with the same name
- e3a325f: deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::getGlobals()
They talked about us
- PHP 7 Compatibility through Symfony Polyfill, not transpiling
- Symfony CMF vs WordPress CMS
- Migrating to Symfony 3.0
- Symfony and Search: Lucene, Solr and Elasticsearch
- Translation goodness with symfony2
- See you at these upcoming PHP conferences
- Exportar a Excel con Symfony2
- PHP 7 est à la hauteur de ce que j'attendais