This week, the first beta of Symfony 2.8.0 and the first beta of Symfony 3.0.0 were released. In addition, we published an article about using Symfony as a microframework. Lastly, there were some tech discussions about the security voters and the need of the log folder.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 9669238: [Process] fixed PhpProcess with phpdbg runtime
  • 331a046: [DependencyInjection] unescape parameters for all types of injection
  • eec6fbc: [HttpFoundation] sent out a status text for unknown HTTP headers

2.7 changelog:

  • 1fab27b: [Serializer] don't serialize static methods and properties in ObjectNormalizer

2.8 changelog:

  • 02d2148: [Form] enhanced some FormRegistry deprecation messages
  • 15f9cf2: [Serializer] fixed a call to undefined function json_last_error_message
  • 7418d29: [Serializer] added missing unit tests related to Encoder

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony