This week, the first beta of Symfony 2.8.0 and the first beta of Symfony 3.0.0 were released. In addition, we published an article about using Symfony as a microframework. Lastly, there were some tech discussions about the security voters and the need of the log folder.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 9669238: [Process] fixed PhpProcess with phpdbg runtime
- 331a046: [DependencyInjection] unescape parameters for all types of injection
- eec6fbc: [HttpFoundation] sent out a status text for unknown HTTP headers
- 1fab27b: [Serializer] don't serialize static methods and properties in ObjectNormalizer
- 02d2148: [Form] enhanced some FormRegistry deprecation messages
- 15f9cf2: [Serializer] fixed a call to undefined function json_last_error_message
- 7418d29: [Serializer] added missing unit tests related to Encoder
Newest issues and pull requests
- [HttpKernel] Do we really need the log folder?
- [Security] AbstractVoter should not abstain when object == null
- Symfony console requires database access
- [Security] VoterInterface::vote(TokenInterface $token, $subject, array $attributes)
- [Form] Form type usage in 2.8 and 3.0
- Form extensions are not correctly resolved for Entity type, when a field is readded
- [Var-dumper] Use HtmlDumper without the provided styles
They talked about us
- Symfony Forms and Bootstrap Datetimepicker
- Drupal 8 to accelerate Symfony adoption
- Basic User Management in Symfony2 with FOSUserBundle
- Drupal 8 Released, Here's a List of All the New Features
- 6 Things Every New Drupal 8 Developer Should Know
- Popular Symfony components used by CMSes
- Exploring Symfony2 in Drupal 8
- Motor de reservas online para hoteles con Symfony2 en Hostal Argentina
- Nuevo en Symfony 2.8: usando Symfony como un microframework
- Symfony 2.8.0-Beta1 und Symfony 3.0.0-Beta1 stehen zur Verfügung
- Symfony2 太“重”了?试试 Symfony2 微框架
- macにSymfony2で環境構築と思いきや3(ページ作成編)
- @ParamConverterにおけるDoctrine Converterのオプションをいろいろ試してみた
- Symfony2 的优缺点有哪些?