This week, the most active components were once again Yaml and Form. Meanwhile, the newly introduced Cache component added a filesystem adapter. Lastly, the LDAP component added write support.
Symfony development highlights
- d4ac467: [Form] fixed violation mapping if multiple forms are using the same (or part of the same) property path
- f6e401a: [Console] removed InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED mode from $default parameter description
- 3f749d6: [DependencyInjection] fixed dumped YAML syntax
- 5fda221: [Yaml] fixed default timezone to be UTC
- f01cda6: [HttpFoundation] removed duplicate validation in RedirectResponse
- 7ce861d: [FileSystem] fixed a Windows issue with long file names
- e932bae: [FrameworkBundle] allowed programmatically access to the list of commands registered by the kernel
- d8ad5a2: improved Norwegian translations
- 52343b0: [DoctrineBridge] fixed choice_value in EntityType
- d4ac467: [Form] fixed violation mapping if multiple forms are using the same (or part of the same) property path
- a515383: [HttpKernel] prevented a fatal error when DebugHandlersListener is used with a kernel with no terminateWithException() method
- 2c59be5: [Console] fixed InvalidArgumentException is thrown under wrong condition
- d3c55cb: [Form] fixed choice placeholder edge cases
- 6cc7e2e: [Form] added test for ArrayChoiceList handling null
- d6418d4: [DoctrineBridge] fixed tests added in EntityType with FQCN
- 9bd9978: [Yaml] always restore the error handler in tests
- 095ebbe: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed the antialiasing of the toolbar text
- a14bcc6: [HttpFoundation] removed unnecessary PHP version check for sessions
- 74ffd6b: [Yaml] marked the Inline class as internal
- 45caae4: [Ldap] fixed CS and hardened some code
- e837b34: [Ldap] added write support for the Ldap component
- 3e9c268: [Yaml] deprecated starting plain scalars with % characters
- 0acca48: [Cache] added FilesystemAdapter
- ff87f30: [Form] deprecated support for Traversable in method ResizeFormListener::PreSubmit
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] Show voter information in the security profiler panel
- EntityManager Service Auto Wiring
- Update for ChoiceType field via PATCH HTTP method doesn't work
- [Validation] YAML validation on abstract class is not inherited, annotation does
- Service as a decorator by default for some configurable framework services
- [DX] Profiler: Improve timeline page view: add an hierarchical view with extra info
- Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data
They talked about us
- Isomorphic React Apps in Symfony with the help of Webpack
- Going Async in Symfony Controllers
- Symfony Admin Generator
- Using Symfony2 and AngularJS together in one project
- The Ultimate Developer Guide to Symfony - Routing
- How to Use a Custom Storage Layer in FOSUserBundle
- Laravel/Lumen vs Symfony/Silex a corporate perspective
- Symfony CMF 1.3 Release Candidate steht zur Verfügung
- Listening to Symfony2 HTTP Kernel events
- Eating spaghetti with Symfony
- Instalación de Symfony Installer en Linux Ubuntu
- Konfigurujeme Symfony pomocí YAMLu
- Инициализируемые контроллеры в Symfony и работа с аннотациями
- 活用例から見るSymfonyのしくみ (1) - 連想配列データとサービスコンテナ