This week, Symfony organized a Virtual Hack Day to bring in new contributors to the Symfony Community. This was also the opportunity to give a push to the pending issues and pull requests, because the upcoming Symfony 3.1 version will achieve the "feature freeze" status at the end of this month. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive Paris 2016 conference announced its full program.
Symfony development highlights
- 12c0153: [HttpFoundation] added a dependency on the mbstring polyfill
- 35666f0: [Validator] fixed the locale validator so it treats a locale alias as a valid locale
- 1bbcff0: [Filesystem] fixed false positive in ->remove()
- 5d8067f: [HttpFoundation] throwed an exception when registering bags for started sessions
- fd4edff: [HttpKernel] fixed memory usage when stripping the prod container
- be867ae: [HttpFoundation] set the Content-Range header if the requested Range is unsatisfied
- 5340cbd: [HttpFoundation] avoid warnings when checking malicious IPs
- 35666f0: [Validator] fixed the locale validator so it treats a locale alias as a valid locale
- efd40e4: [Console] fixed an autocompletion question helper issue with non-sequentially indexed choices
- 1d9815f: [Process] fixed pipes handling
- ff93c1a: [WebProfiler] fixed a wrongly designed button
- 9999dcb: [FrameworkBundle] autowiring the concrete class too (consistent with behavior of other services)
- 0cd41d8: [Cache] added namespace handling to all adapters
- 1887261: [Serializer] fixed Undefined attributeName in ObjectNormalizer
- 681a349: [DependencyInjection] fixed autowiring collision failure
- 117d83b: [Cache] hash using B64+MD5 in FilesystemAdapter
- 464a492: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed context log pre wrap
- af36c83: [Console] test stdout and stderr in ApplicationTester
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Security] getDefaultSuccessRedirectUrl should have access to the token
- [Yaml] Not parsing integers with separation correctly
- 'Did you mean' functionality within Symfony
- Router does not take additional GET parameter in account if it has a default value
- [Security] $attributes can be anything, but RoleVoter assumes strings
- Invalid numeric literal on PHP 7.0.4
- Improve VarDumper to use it as a value exporter
Silex development highlights
- 83ce587: use BCrypt as the default encoder
- a8cc0ae: allowed use of all the RequestMatcher parameters by providing an array
They talked about us
- An introduction to PSR-7 in Symfony
- Autowired controllers as services for lazy people
- Developer platforms built with the Symfony Framework
- Lost in Symfony XLIFF translations
- OroPlatform an Skyscraper on top of Symfony Foundations
- How Symfony developers can take advantage of eZ Platform, a fully featured Symfony CMS
- Symfony, ZURB Foundation and Gulp
- The Ultimate Developer Guide to Symfony - Bundle
- Symfony HttpFoundation - My Favorite PHP Library
- Setup Testing and Fixtures in Symfony2: The Easy Way
- Symfony po krůčkách – Twig
- Как подружить JMS Serializer и LiipImagineBundle
- SonataAdminBundle: создание объекта из List View (часть 1)
- FOSRestBundle Introduction (Symfony User Group Cologne)
- Symfony Meetup #10
- Instalando manualmente la extensión Text de Twig en Symfony 2.7