A week of symfony #488 (2-8 May 2016)
May 8, 2016 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony published 2.8.5 and 3.0.5 maintenance versions. Meanwhile, a new tool called Deptrac was introduced to help you keep dependencies between the layers in your architecture under control. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Berlin 2016 conference opened its call for papers and the early bird registration.
Symfony development highlights
- 9fabd83: [DependencyInjection] top-level anonymous services must be public
- dd27b7d: [DependencyInjection] used the priority of service decoration on service with parent
- 2452e35: [DependencyInjection] made failed autowiring error messages more explicit
- 7b35ed3: [Monolog Bridge] added a conflict between Monolog bridge 2.8 and HTTP Kernel 3.0+
- cfcf263: [Cache] clean-ups and tweaks
- 06dd96e, 6f86b0e, 6857c36: added the new @Event annotations for IDEs
- 2849654: [FrameworkBundle] semantic config for app/system/pool caches
- b85ab60: [Cache] added support for Predis
Newest issues and pull requests
- [PropertyAccess][DX] Exception mention that some methods didn't exist although they did
- Bug with constraint attach to a field (using @Assert\True() annotation)
- [Form] Guess 'HTML attr constraints' even if the type is set?
- DomCrawler parents only on first node of selection
Silex development highlights
They talked about us
- Decouple Your Doctrine Filters
- Symfony components and the full stack framework in CMS ecosystems
- A Year With Symfony - End Of Life
- Using Symfony Finder and YAML components to transform Drupal 8 configurations to eZ Platform
- Symfony Catalunya Conference
- Universal Rendering in PHP/Twig could be done with the Angular 2 Template Compiler
- Internacionalización y localización en Symfony
- Temas de los formularios en symfony2 para Bootstrap 3
- SymfonyLive Köln 2016
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