This week, Symfony 2.7.18 and 2.8.11 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, a new contest was announced to celebrate that Symfony is achieving 500 million downloads and you can win cool prizes. Lastly, next week the SymfonyLive London 2016 conference will take place.
Symfony development highlights
- 993b405: [ClassLoader] fixed ClassCollectionLoader inlining with declare(strict_types=1)
- 39905fd, 60a8901: code enhancements and cleanups
- 8693611: [FrameworkBundle] check for class existence before is_subclass_of
- 42b2641: [DependencyInjection] fixed setting synthetic services on ContainerBuilder
- 3b5c353: [Form] lazy translate post_max_size_message
- a630f14: [Security] optimized RoleHierarchy's buildRoleMap method
- d893192: [Form] incorrect timezone with DateTimeLocalizedStringTransformer
- ddf8b27: [Console] fixed PHP7 Errors are now handled and converted to Exceptions
- aa3c66e: [Form] fixed transformer tests after the ICU update
- dc733f1: [FrameworkBundle] fixed translation:update command count
- a565fae: [Workflow] made PropertyAccess a required dependency
- db3ed6c: [VarDumper] made ClassStub handle missing classes or methods
- 1f9f87b: used DependencyInjection exceptions in components compiler passes
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][Yaml] Consider colon not followed by spaces as a value
- Wrong variable types for route default parameters in PHP 7
- Named optional parameters in console commands not accepting empty values
Silex development highlights
- b26ffa6: removed usage of obsolete PHPUnit method
- b7b6d95, 1e4d960: removed obsolete code
- f7a7809: fixed deprecation handler in tests
They talked about us
- Scaling Symfony sessions with Memcached
- Getting Started With Silex Micro-Framework On Cloud Hosting
- The Week in Review: 3 things you love about eZ Platform, 500 million Symfony Downloads, and More
- Multilingual website with Symfony
- En busca de los 500 millones de descargas de Symfony
- php app/console generate:bundle en la versión 2.8.* de Symfony
- Créez une API REST avec Symfony 3
- JMSSerializer : Une alternative au sérialiseur natif de Symfony