This week Symfony continued adding forward compatibility with the upcoming PHP 7.1 version: the nullable support was fixed and the ReflectionType changes were implemented in PropertyInfo. Meanwhile, Symfony 3.2 added lots of new features, such as allowing to inject ENV parameters at runtime and using the VarDumper in the profiler to better display its contents.
Symfony development highlights
- f321989: [Validator] updated IpValidatorTest data set with a valid reserved IP
- 946b96b: used JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES for Yaml and TwigBridge lint commands output
- 354e8fd: [Config] handle open_basedir restrictions in FileLocator
- 26e2846: [Form] fixed collapsed ChoiceType options attributes
- ce73768: [HttpKernel] fixed the nullable support for php 7.1 and below
- c1cc6ca: [Console] set Input::$interactive to false when command is executed with --quiet as verbosity level
- 23cae58: [Finder] no PHP warning on empty directory iteration
- 2d08be1: [Console] fixed parsing optional options with empty value in argv
- 18a24ff: [DoctrineBridge, PropertyInfo] treat Doctrine decimal type as string
- c2b660d: [FrameworkBundle] removed cache clearer default value in config
- da565de: [Filesystem] consider the umask setting when dumping a file
- 26e2846: [Form] fixed collapsed ChoiceType options attributes
- 3d0d709: [PropertyInfo] made ReflectionExtractor compatible with ReflectionType changes in PHP 7.1
- e5088ac: [Cache] added "persistent_id" option to RedisAdapter::createConnection()
- 5129c4c: [Security] allowed run-time configuration of hash algo
- 7136247: [Console] added ability to regress the ProgressBar
- db2e2c8: [Config] fixed YamlReferenceDumper prototyped array support
- f9ccdd3: [FrameworkBundle] added CachePoolClearerPass for weak cache pool refs in cache clearers
- 277c7fa: [FrameworkBundle] added cache:pool:clear command
- 059b436: [FrameworkBundle] added %debug.file_link_format% with remapping for IDE links
- 4053283: [Translation] replaced %count% with a given number out of the box
- 46dd1d5: [FrameworkBundle] introduced a cache warmer for Serializer based on PhpArrayAdapter
- 3416f21: [FrameworkBundle] added support for prioritizing form type extension tags
- 68737eb: [FrameworkBundle] introduced a cache warmer for Validator based on PhpArrayAdapter
- 0e63f47: [DependencyInjection] improved ParameterNotFoundException when accessing a nested parameter
- a5108f4: [Console] allow to set multiple formatting options
- fa18a4f: [PropertyInfo] extract the logic converting a PhpDoc comment into a Type
- d6d6a47: [Serializer] added a YAML encoder
- d2a7994: [Validator] made strict the default option for choice validation
- 47657e5: [Serializer] added a CSV encoder
- 1bcade5: [DependencyInjection] allowed injecting ENV parameters at runtime using %env(MY_ENV_VAR)%
- f532322: [FrameworkBundle] parse source link maps using json_decode() instead of parse_str()
- c21bed7: [Config] fixed (Yaml|Xml)ReferenceDumper for nested prototypes
- bfe0af5: [HttpKernel] use VarDumper in the profiler
- eddecbd: [HttpKernel] used VarDumper in the Logs & Events panels of the profiler
- a86583d: [Validator] added context object method callback to choice validator
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Translation] Add a new lint:translation command
- [Asset] Versionize assets according to a Manifest
- [Workflow] Request for getDefinition()
- Allow GetSetMethodNormalizer in Serializer to be aware of type hinted parameters
- [Security] access_control host option can't be trusted?
- [Validator] Double validation when an interface extends another