This week, the upcoming Symfony 3.4 version added support for lazy-loaded console commands to improve performance. Meanwhile, Symfony 3.3 also improved performance by optimizing the profiler data generated by VarDumper. Lastly, we added support for the new types defined by Doctrine DBAL.

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 05e3332: [TwigBundle] allowed to configure custom formats in XML configs
  • 676a17e: use rawurlencode() when transforming the Cookie into a string
  • c2a6a6e: [Security] fixed authentication.failure event not dispatched on AccountStatusException
  • 87a6845: [DependencyInjection] handle root namespace in service definitions
  • 62fdf9c: [TwigBridge] cleaner implementation of the TwigRenderer

2.8 changelog:

  • 26ad2ad: [WebProfilerBundle] don't display the Symfony debug toolbar when printing the page

3.2 changelog:

  • 195d949: [HttpKernel] fixed DumpDataCollector tests
  • 2fc9bd2: [Cache] added test for ApcuAdapter when using in CLI
  • 7fd5236: [FrameworkBundle] do not wire namespaces for the ArrayAdapter

3.3 changelog:

  • 4c483ba: [FrameworkBundle] check _controller attribute is a string before parsing it
  • 2b3afd2: [HttpKernel, VarDumper] truncate profiler data & optimized performance
  • e659ec1: [Process] fixed parsing args on Windows
  • e8b9e25: [DependencyInjection] non-conflicting anonymous service ids across files
  • 5443599: [Process] fixed issue between process builder and exec
  • de1143b: [Profiler] fixed data collector getCasters() call

3.4 changelog:

  • 38905d3: [Routing] added matched and default parameters to redirect responses
  • f9d73b9: [DependencyInjection] allowed imports in string format for YAML
  • 954e9f1: [TwigBundle] added a RuntimeExtensionInterface to take advantage of autoconfigure
  • afaf299: [Security] made it possible to configure a custom access decision manager service
  • c8f2c96: [Console] added support for command lazy-loading
  • 3b2f9fb: [DoctrineBridge] added support for doctrine/dbal v2.6 types
  • ab8ac13: [Validator] allowed to use a property path to get value to compare in comparison constraints
  • 21b7fd4: [MonologBridge] added TokenProcessor
  • 5f91f74: [Serializer] allowed to disable type enforcement in AbstractObjectNormalizer
  • de5c60d: [DependencyInjection] check privates before resolving alias in Container::initialized

Master changelog:

  • a55cbf8: [DependencyInjection] removed deprecated case insensitive service ids
  • 1041f82: [Process] removed enhanced sigchild compatibility
  • 5161ec6: [DependencyInjection] removed remaining deprecated features

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Published in #A week of symfony