This week, Symfony continued working on the new features of the upcoming 4.1 version, such as iterable support in the SymfonyStyle methods and a new AMQP adapter for the Messenger component. In addition, we opened the Call for Papers for SymfonyLive London 2018 conference.

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 0f9c45e: [Validator] fixed LazyLoadingMetadataFactory with PSR6Cache for non classname if tested values isn't existing class
  • 1067468: [Console] don't go past exact matches when autocompleting

3.4 changelog:

  • 11bdd80: [DependencyInjection] improve error message for non-autowirable scalar argument
  • 16ae720: [HttpKernel] don't create mock cookie for new sessions in tests
  • 811c4dd: [HttpKernel] made ServiceValueResolver work if controller namespace starts with a backslash in routing

Master changelog:

  • 5736321: [Console] support iterable in SymfonyStyle::write/writeln
  • a726f05: [Messenger] rename the middleware tag
  • 9a99955: [FrameworkBundle] fixed configuration of php_errors.log
  • aa04d06: [Messenger] added AMQP adapter

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony