This week, development activity focused on fixing the first reported issues about the Symfony 4.1 stable version. Meanwhile, work on Symfony 4.2 already started with the addition of a ServiceSubscriberTrait and the improvement of the performance of some Dependency Injection passes. Lastly, the Call for Papers for SymfonyCon 2018 conference was announced.
Symfony development highlights
- ae30a80: [Debug] pass previous exception to FatalErrorException
- af06990: [Cache] memcache connect should not add duplicate entries on sequential calls
- 67d4e6d: [Cache] TagAwareAdapter should not corrupt memcached connection in ascii mode
- 88098f3: [Cache] TagAwareAdapter over non-binary memcached connections corrupts memcache
- 7f2cb73: [Lock] remove released semaphore
- 9660103: [FrameworkBundle] improved exception message when AbstractController::getParameter fails
- 7605706: [DebugBundle] DebugBundle::registerCommands should be noop
- 2521e7b: [Routing] don't reorder past variable-length placeholders
- 0ed3d0d: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed getSession when no session has been set deprecation warnings
- 8130f22: [DependencyInjection] ignore missing tree root nodes on validate
- 6770630: [FrameworkBundle] fix test-container on kernel reboot and revert to returning the real container from Client::getContainer()
- fa022f0: [DependencyInjection] add ServiceSubscriberTrait
- 4f197a5: [FrameworkBundle] deprecate auto-injection of the container in AbstractController instances
- 4cd6477: [DependencyInjection] don't generate factories for errored services
- d8739d1: [DependencyInjection] improved performance of removing/inlining passes
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][Console][DI] Simplify adding DI container to CLI apps
- [RFC] Allow for an integer $type on ControllerTrait::addFlash() and FlashBagInterface::add()
- Add two new methods for configuration definition tree manipulation to better reuse
- Make it easier to debug exceptions related to kernel.terminal
They talked about us
- Straightforward Symfony 4 Best Practices
- Tweaking Docker for Mac performance for PHP and Symfony
- PDF Generation in Symfony
- Como crear cookies en Symfony
- Editar formulario en EasyAdmin Symfony con Twig
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: mejoras relacionadas con las sesiones
- New in Symfony 4.1: mejoras para aplicaciones SPA
- Обзор Symfony компонента: Config
- PHPフレームワーク「Symfony 4.1.0」リリース