This week, Symfony added a ProcessorInterface to allow Monolog processors to be autoconfigured, added a json_login_ldap authentication provider to use LDAP authentication with a REST API and improved the performance of service locators thanks to PHP OPCache. Lastly, Symfony started discussing about adding compatibility with Monolog 2.
Symfony development highlights
- ae0a69a: added color support for Hyper terminal
- 7f3aae0: [Doctrine Bridge] fixed usage of wrong variable when tagged subscriber is invalid
- 19ab889: [DependencyInjection] don't show internal service id on binding errors
- 9a6fe47: [PropertyInfo] fixed dock block lookup fallback loop
- 332b7fd: [TwigBridge] fixed missing path and separators in loader paths list on debug:twig output
- 6fea634: [OptionResolver] added support to resolve nested arrays
- 1cb3b5b: [DependencyInjection] fixed dumping ignore-on-uninitialized references to synthetic services
- 2a2e6f1: [HttpFoundation] don't encode cookie name for BC
- 8a96fdc: [Security] fixed accepting null as $uidKey in LdapUserProvider
- 332b7fd: [TwigBridge] fixed missing path and separators in loader paths list on debug:twig output
- 1aae233: [PropertyInfo] added handling of nullable types in PhpDoc
- 27b89cb: [Security] use AuthenticationTrustResolver in SimplePreAuthenticationListener
- 9da0454: [Security] report file+line of unserialization errors in Firewall/ContextListener
- f27c3a8: [MonologBridge] added ProcessorInterface to enable autoconfiguration of monolog processors
- 44d4330: [Messenger] fixed a bug when having more than one named handler per message subscriber
- 6cefd88: [SecurityBundle] add JSON login LDAP
- 1cf8146: [Workflow] fixed autofit label in rendering
- 6d3f63d: [DependencyInjection] added ServiceLocatorArgument to generate array-based locators optimized for OPcache shared memory
- ac1189a: [Serializer] allow to access to the format and context in circular ref handler
- 18c2dde: [HttpKernel] turn HTTP exceptions to HTTP status codes by default
Newest issues and pull requests
- Prepare compatibility with Monolog 2
- Provide intuitive error message when a controller fails because it's not registered as a service
- [Messenger] Add middleware that throws exception if the handler returned data
- [Validator] Be able to set a payload in a ConstraintValidator (instead of the Constraint)
- [Serializer] Do not throw exception in the DateTimeNormalizer if it's not a date
- [Security] Using of TargetPathTrait in a Controller
- [RFC] Symfony Translator assertValidLocale()
- NotBlank validator should not invalidate null values