This week, the upcoming Symfony 4.2 version added a new DivisibleBy constraint and enabled logger autoconfiguration. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive USA conference was rebranded as Symfony Loves PHP USA Conference and announced its full schedule.
Symfony development highlights
- 68a9a07: [Form] added help texts for checkboxes in horizontal bootstrap 4 forms
- 0934464: [DependencyInjection, FrameworkBundle] added LoggerAwareInterface to auto configuration
- 9f4615a: [Validator] added a DivisibleBy constraint for testing divisibility
Newest issues and pull requests
- Workflow Component: support for PhpEnum
- [Process] Option to disable handling signals allowing custom signal handling
They talked about us
- How to build a scalable Symfony application on Kubernetes
- Symfony Async Commands
- 5 Tips for developing Symfony reusable bundles
- Define Symfony access control rules in a database
- Hidden Gems of PHP Packages: Symfony\Finder and SplFileInfo
- Using Redis for session handling in Symfony 4.1+
- Symfony 4: How to move fat logic to Services
- CQRS is easy with Symfony 4 and his Messanger Component
- Getting started With React in Symfony Using Webpack Encore
- Tutorial: Build Your First CRUD App with Symfony and Angular
- How to create an Excel file with PHP in Symfony 4
- Renforcer la confidentialité d'une API avec sapient-bundle
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Symfony trifft Kiel: Kiel, Germany (August 20, 2018)
- SfPot August 2018: Paris, France (August 22, 2018)
- Symfony UG Frankfurt am Main 2018: Frankfurt, Germany (August 28-29, 2018)
- Automatic upgrades and Symfony Console: Berlin, Germany (August 28, 2018)
- Chicago Symfony & React Meetup - August 2018: Chicago, USA (August 29, 2018)
- SymfonyDay 2018: Verona, Italy (October 19, 2018)
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