This week, the upcoming Symfony 4.2 version added a new DivisibleBy constraint and enabled logger autoconfiguration. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive USA conference was rebranded as Symfony Loves PHP USA Conference and announced its full schedule.

Symfony development highlights

3.4 changelog:

  • 37c39fb: [Yaml] clean up unused code
  • 1757c9c: [PhpUnitBridge] added missing stderr redirection

4.1 changelog:

  • 68a9a07: [Form] added help texts for checkboxes in horizontal bootstrap 4 forms

Master changelog:

  • 0934464: [DependencyInjection, FrameworkBundle] added LoggerAwareInterface to auto configuration
  • 9f4615a: [Validator] added a DivisibleBy constraint for testing divisibility

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Published in #A week of symfony