A week of symfony #62 (3->9 march 2008)
March 10, 2008 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
Development of symfony 1.1 continues at fast pace. This week, helpers have been moved back in lib/ directory as they won't be converted to classes for symfony 1.1. Moreover, the way sfViewCacheManager deals with internal cache keys has been improved.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about Google Summer of Code and urlencoding "/" character in URLs
Development highlights
- r7722: [1.1] removed sfContext dependency for sfResponse
- r7723: [1.1] added sfWebResponse::merge(), rename sfWebResponse::mergeProperties() to sfWebResponse::copyProperties(), added response in partial serialization (not used for now)
- r7724: [1.1] changed sfWebResponse::*PartialCache() signatures
- r7725: [1.1] fixed caching of partial and components (now with css, js, and slots support) (closes #2685)
- r7726: [1.1] moved partial and component cache management to sfPartialView
- r7733: [1.1] added a removeJavascript and removeStylesheet method to sfWebResponse (including unit tests)
- r7741: [1.1] fixed routing cache when using default parameters such as sf_culture
- r7742: [1.1] fixed propel tasks when using plugins
- r7746: [1.1] fixed sfWidgetFormPropelSelect choices when cloning the widget
- r7757: [1.1] moved back helpers in lib/ as they won't be converted to classes for 1.1
- r7758: [1.1] added a flash notice in admin generator _list_messages.php (closes #2065)
- r7759, r7760: [1.0, 1.1] fixed propel:build-model from propel:build-schema xml-file fails (closes #2712)
- r7762, 7763: [1.0, 1.1] fixed web debug toolbar segfaults PHP when debugging using xdebug
- r7764, r7765: [1.0, 1.1] fixed init-* tasks for Subversion on Windows, GIT, and Mercurial (closes #2506)
- r7766: [1.1] added a 'rsync-dir' option to the project:deploy task (closes #3032)
- r7769: [1.0, 1.1] Etag was not checking correctly the enclosing quotes (fixes #3065)
- r7776: [1.1] added a content_type option to sfWebResponse
- r7777: [1.1] changed auto_shutdown default value to be true for all factories by default, added a load_configuration option to sfRouting, renamed cache key for routing to avoid conflicts
- r7778: [1.1] moved task registration to sfCommandApplication
- r7779: [1.1] change sfRouting::generate() signature to allow optional parameter value
- r7787: [1.1] Changed the way sfViewCacheManager deals with internal cache keys
- sfViewCacheManager::remove() accepts URIs with wildcards for any type of cache and is totally cache engine agnostic (works with sfFileCache, sfSQLiteCache, sfMemcacheCache, etc.)
- It is now possible to empty partial cache selectively
- It is now possible to empty contextual partial cache selectively
- It is possible to empty cache for all hosts and vary headers
- Updated dwhittle branch: tweaked exception handling (to catch early exceptions better), fixed cache:generate + cache:optimize tasks
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 69 changesets, 23 defects created, 20 defects closed, 8 enhancements created, 8 enhancements closed, 4 documentation defects created, 2 documentation defects closed and 9 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Created Google Summer of Code 2008 page
- Updated symfony 1.1 core classes, sfGuard plugin - extra documentation, How to install PEAR on windows with WAMP and symfony 1.1 UPGRADE guide pages
- Advances in french translation of Askeet
- Advances in polish and french translations of the book
- New Job Postings:
- Symfony + Senior PHP Developer @ IDG Communications Media AG - full-time based in Munich, Germany - Multiple positions for PHP Web Developer and Project Manager - Contact: kstaffetius [at] idgcom [dot] de
- New symfony blogger:
- New plugins
- sfDocTestPlugin: adds DocTest support for symfony
- sfSubversionPlugin: adds two tasks (svn-checkout-plugin and svn-add-external-plugin) for installing plugins from Subversion repositories and symlink to the project web directory
- Updated plugins
- sfDoctrinePlugin: updated documentation, added callbacks to object helpers, added ability to have sortable columns from model relationships in lists, fixed parse errors and sorting, added smart auto sorting for relationships, fixed relations syntax for admin generators, fix to sorting for relational columns, updated trunk to be able to use build-model task with 1.1
- sfPropelSqlDiffPlugin: updated documentation
- sfAdvancedAdminGeneratorPlugin: released 0.1.4 version (minor typo correction in _list_td_tabular.php, added object_input_auto_complete_tag(), added object_select_map_tag()) and 0.1.5 version (added multi-sort list)
- sfJqueryPlugin: fixed jq_submit_to_remote fails to fetch the formdata, added ability to use JSON data with remote forms
- sfSimpleBlogPlugin: fixed a bug with commenting
- sfMediaLibraryPlugin: fixed 1.1 compatibility
- sfGuardPlugin: updated 1.1 branch
- sfPropelActAsRatableBehaviorPlugin: updated documentation
- sfSuperCachePlugin: added support for cache lifetime
- sfPaypalLitePlugin: updated documentation
- adBlueprintPlugin: updated documentation
- sfGuardDoctrinePlugin: fixed routes for symfony-1.1 branch
Some new symfony powered websites
- Affordable Resume Service, Inc.: specializes in helping career professionals achieve success starting with the critical first impression
- Lyriance: (french, english) website of the french web agency Lyriance
- bazar.co.id: Indonesia's Classified Ads Community (currently in beta status)
- JobShuk: a marketplace connecting the world with English-speaking freelancers, small businesses, and service providers based in Israel for your outsourcing or tourist needs
They talked about us
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- One Big Summer (of Code)
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- Cambio de rutina
- thirdBase: Our new PHP-Based (ERP) Application Framework
- Symfonyä¸å¦‚何对ä¸æ–‡è¿›è¡Œæ‹¼éŸ³æŽ’åº
- handling complex user credentials with symfony
- Translating symfony validator yaml configs with xgettext
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