This week Symfony announced that there will be nine official Symfony conferences in 2019 in eight countries and three continents. Meanwhile, the work on the upcoming Symfony 4.3 started with the addition of new features like hyperlinks support in the console.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 47 pull requests were merged (40 in code and 7 in docs) and 47 issues were closed (43 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 37 authors made 1883 additions and 916 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 3ee6f1d: [Security] defer log message in guard authenticator
- 326ebaa: [Serializer] fixed serialization ignores argument type hint from phpdoc for array in constructor argument
- 4c8d04c: [Yaml] ensured that the mb_internal_encoding is reset to its initial value
- 153220a: [TwigBridge, Form] prevented multiple rendering of form collection prototypes
- 7028f84: [DependencyInjection] moved RegisterServiceSubscribersPass before DecoratorServicePass
- 7a34a78: [FrameworkBundle] fixed describing routes with no controllers
- 3fff306: [Debug] ignored underscore vs backslash namespaces in DebugClassLoader
- 4c08b07: optimized perf by replacing call_user_func with dynamic variables
- 0960dfd: [Routing] fixed dumping same-path routes with placeholders
- fae1854: [Cache] don't erase processed redis DSN
- e3123f8: [VarExporter] don't call userland code with uninitialized objects
- 0b99a8e: [Messenger] restored message handlers laziness
- d62ecd5: [Form] shortcut debug:form for partial type name
- 58b29d6: [Console] added hyperlinks support
- 7dc1521: [Validator] added support for UATP card validation
- a9694f7: [PhpUnitBridge] added ClassExistsMock
- d069c26: [FrameworkBundle] stop calling Kernel::boot() twice in CLI
- da4019a: [WebProfilerBundle] improved PHP extension badges
- 58c7ad4: [VarDumper] added support for links in CliDumper
- d12a6d0: [DependencyInjection] computed autowiring error messages lazily
- 95cda62: [Messenger] added an alias for transport.symfony_serializer so SerializerInterface can be autowired
- f2590d1: [WebProfilerBundle] enabled translation filters
Newest issues and pull requests
- Generate XSD + JSON schema from Configuration definition
- [RFC] Add HTTP Responder pattern
- [Form][RFC] Improve CollectionType Rendering
- Add PHP 7.3 support
- Add more IDE links in console output
They talked about us
- Developing Modern Apps with Symfony and React
- Symfony autowire, how to
- Symfony Messenger is here, but your project is on Symfony 3.4, no problem! (part 1)
- Plan for Drupal 9
- EasyAdmin: Set menu items automatically active
- Se publican más detalles sobre el nuevo Symfony Mailer
- Symfony organizará 9 conferencias oficiales en 2019
- Conoce el nuevo servidor local de Symfony
- Debug do autowiring melhorado no Symfony 4.2
- Использование событий в Symfony
- 「Symfony」のフォームコンポーネントに脆弱性 - アップデートがリリース
- SymfonyはなぜTwigを採用したのか ~ Jinjaとの関係
- Symfony4で非同期でコマンドを実行する(JMSJobQueueBundleの代わりにphp-enqueueのasync-commandを使う)
- TrustedProxy, getClientIps などロードバランサ配下での挙動について
- Symfonyで同種のクラスを大量に使うときDIで楽するテクニック(自作タグのススメ)
- Symfony4のRepositoryをCodeceptionのDoctrine2モジュールを使ってUnitテストする
- Symfonyでメールのインテグレーションテストを行う
- GraphQLBundleを使って初めてのGraphQLサーバーを実装してみる
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Sylius Open Workshop #2: Toulouse, France (December 17, 2018)
- Symfony Xmas Meetup: London, United Kingdom (December 17, 2018)
- Sfpot Décembre 2018: Paris, France (December 18, 2018)
- The ultimate developers' X-mas meetup: Berlin, Germany (December 19, 2018)
- Symfony Meetup I / 2019: Frankfurt am Main, Germany (January 22, 2019)
- Symfony Vienna User Group Meetup: Vienna, Austria (January 29, 2019)
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