This week, the upcoming Symfony 4.3 version improved debug:autowiring to make it work without PHPdoc reflection and continued adding links in the console to improve the developer experience. In addition, Symfony explained its business model for the next year and it announced the workshops of the first 2019 conferences in Lille and Paris.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 21 pull requests were merged (17 in code and 4 in docs) and 25 issues were closed (20 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges, 16 authors made 1,532 additions and 1,331 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 49c21d5: [Security] prefer clone() over unserialize(serialize()) for user refreshment
- 3d33e71: [Console] moved strtolower to createStyleFromString in OutputFormatter
- b257560: [FrameworkBundle] fixed public directory when configured in composer.json
- 7fa13be: [EventDispatcher] reversed the event tracing order
- 88525d7: [Yaml] detected circular references
- e1dc08b: added Vietnamese translation for validators
- 40a79f7: [Routing] fixed trailing slash redirections involving a trailing var
- 5333bd2: [DependencyInjection] map snake-case ids of service subscribers to camel-case autowiring aliases
- 5dd8a0c: [FrameworkBundle] decoupled debug:autowiring from phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock
- 43dfbe2: [Cache] fixed Simple\Psr6Cache proxying of metadata
- 562448a: [DomCrawler] returned empty string on Crawler::text() and Crawler::html() instead of an exception
- 5f737e8: [VarDumper] used hyperlinks in CliDescriptor
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][Form] Improve form theming
- [Messenger] Automatically clear the entity manager at each message consumption
- [DI] Add Tags Conditionally
- [Translation] debug:translation command does not show components translations
They talked about us
- Symfony conference in Lisbon
- Introducing Symfony Flex Loader
- Why Symfony Framework is so popular?
- Why is SymfonyCon important in PHP world?
- Cómo instalar Symfony 4
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Enlaces en la consola
- Armazenamento de bloqueio (lock) com base no PDO adicionado no Symfony 4.2
- Symfony 4 — Maker Bundle: Form Registration
- Symfony の ChoiceToValueTransformer に関して調べてみた
- Webpack Encoreをwebpack4に書き直す
- バックエンドがSymfonyなSPAをFirebase Authenticationでユーザー認証できるようにする
- Symfony4でNelmioApiDocBundleを試してみた
- ビジネスロジックを独立させた実装について
- autowireされたTranslatorInterfaceの行方
- Doctrine Criteriaの使いドコロ
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Symfony Meetup I / 2019: Frankfurt am Main, Germany (January 22, 2019)
- Symfony Vienna User Group Meetup: Vienna, Austria (January 29, 2019)
- Treffen der Symfony User Group Hamburg: Hamburg, Germany (February 5, 2019)
- 7. PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (February 21, 2019)
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