A Week of Symfony #631 (28 January - 3 February 2019)
February 3, 2019 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony 4.1.11 was released, marking the end of regular releases for the 4.1 branch. In addition, the Symfony Security Bug Bounty started this week. Lastly, the first speakers of SymfonyLive Paris 2019 conference were announced.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 48 pull requests were merged (34 in code and 14 in docs) and 43 issues were closed (42 in code and 1 in docs). Excluding merges, 28 authors made 1,153 additions and 530 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- c95fdbd: [FrameworkBundle] added support for using hyphens in asset package name
- b4357d7: [Security] don't do nested calls to serialize()
- c7937c9: [Config] ensure moving away from Serializable wont break cache:clear
- 591c805: [VarDumper] don't implement Serializable in Stub
- fb43484: [WebProfilerBundle] disable Twig in the profiler menu when Twig is not used
- 11dc73d: [Security] fixed serialization workaround in CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
- 5b1948e: [DependencyInjection] fixed dumping Doctrine-like service graphs
- 05071a4: [Routing] don't redirect routes with greedy trailing vars with no explicit slash
- 50a0bda: [Messenger] fixed RabbitMQ arguments not passed as integer values
- 4e4ebde: [Cache] fixed pruning pdo cache for vendors that throw on execute
- 5a8c06e: [Mime] moved the add mime type guesser pass to the component
- dca0975: [DependencyInjection] added id of referencing service when a deprecated alias is found
- be5d85e: [Validator] add a new option to allow null values in NotBlank
- 0c6fd86: [Console] made "warning" in SymfonyStyle use orange color
- b324445: [PropertyAccess] speed up accessing object properties
- 9429fac: [Console] added an iterate method to the ProgressBar class
- bd123e4: [DependencyInjection] fixed serialization of \Closure in RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] [DI] Functional Service Support
- [Process] Running PHP's internal webserver asynchronously yields no output
- Check that we are not using features deprecated in PHP 8
- Twig path function fails for internationalized routes
They talked about us
- The Symfony Request class interactive cheatsheet
- 2 Files that Your Symfony Application Misses
- Create an Invitation for your SaaS
- Symfony without the Web Server Bundle
- How to fetch & store your files in GCS (Google Cloud Storage) using Symfony
- Impressions from SymfonyCon 2018
- Cómo instalar SonataAdmin en Symfony 4
- L'antisèche intéractive de la classe Symfony Request
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Treffen der Symfony User Group Hamburg: Hamburg, Germany (February 5)
- Symfony User Group Munich February Edition: Munich, Germany (January 19)
- 7. PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (February 21)
- Symfony Meetup II / 2019: Frankfurt, Germany (March 19)
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