A Week of Symfony #633 (11-17 February 2019)
February 17, 2019 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, a coordinated community effort updated the Symfony translation files for lots of languages (we're still looking for contributors for some European and Asian languages). Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 4.3 version added a JSON validator and improved the form translation.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 68 pull requests were merged (58 in code and 10 in docs) and 54 issues were closed (48 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 47 authors made 2,599 additions and 144 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 6d881f7: fixed KernelTestCase compatibility for PhpUnit 8
- d3d880a: [Security] fixed switch user without having current token
- fd78757: [Form] forward valid numeric values to transform()
- 0887f62: [FrameworkBundle] added constraint validators before optimizations
- 5a15453: [Twig] removed usage of non-namespaced classes
- dee2fcb: [Debug] preserved the next error handler
- 650f712: [Validator] updated the French translation
- f2370eb: [Validator] updated the Portuguese translation
- 8d84cf9: [Validator] updated the Russian translation
- 50f3ae5: [Validator] updated the Polish translation
- 2382670: [Validator] updated the Italian translation
- 558032b: [Validator] updated the Galician translation
- 4974e0e: [Validator] updated the German translation
- 0af5bd1: [Validator] updated the Arabic translation
- b799c95: [Validator] updated the Welsh translation
- de2301b: [Validator] updated the Hungarian translation
- 59617ee: [Validator] updated the Spanish translation
- 6e269cf: [Validator] updated the Turkish translation
- 7548f9c: [Validator] updated the Indonesian translation
- a9353c2: [Validator] updated the Dutch translation
- a162669: [Validator] updated the Albanian translation
- 491e87a: [Validator] updated the Persian translation
- 3be75cc: [Validator] updated the Ukrainian translation
- 45023ac: [Validator] updated the Catalan translation
- 320c05f: [Validator] updated the Basque translation
- 2f5b16f: [Validator] updated the Bulgarian translation
- 8364fe4: [Validator] updated the Luxembourgish translation
- de1f4c4: [Validator] updated the Lithuanian translation
- d83c296: [Validator] updated the Romanian translation
- 3b8fa12: [FrameworkBundle] added support for PHP files with trans() in translation commands
- 865127b: [SecurityBundle] deprecated the normalization of the cookie names
- b9b8f9d: [FrameworkBundle] consolidated the MIME types service definition
- 09275d4: [Form] added label_translation_parameters, help_translation_parameters and attr_translation_parameters options to base form type
- b951a0f: [Validator] added new JSON Validator
- c6a2c33: [Form] added a convenience method to get the parent form in Twig templates
Newest issues and pull requests
- Add HTML5 Boilerplate to symfony/website-skeleton
- [Yaml] Allow linter to detect legacy boolen literals
- [Security] Add an ability to detach user from TokenStorage
- [Serializer][RFC] Provide DateTimeZoneNormalizer
- [Validator] Improve URL validator pattern
- dd variable name dumped to the dump() result
They talked about us
- Symfony 4: request data bundle
- Testing Symfony applications with PhpStorm
- Fast Serialization with Liip Serializer
- Extending of a Symfony constraint in order to add your own validation rules
- Generate your functional tests with PHPUnit
- Hexagonal architecture in a Symfony project: Working with Domain Identifiers
- Cómo decorar nuestros repositorios en Symfony
- Desempenho do Componente PropertyAccess Melhorado no Symfony 4.3
- Utiliser docker pour le développement web
- Extension d'une contrainte Symfony pour ajouter vos propres règles de validation
Upcoming Symfony Events
- 7. PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (February 21)
- Symfony User Group Cologne - February'19: Cologne, Germany (February 21)
- 15th Symfony Bucharest Meetup: Bucharest, Romania (February 21)
- PHP Symfony Perth Aussie BBQ: Perth, Australia (February 22)
- Hexagonal Architecture & Symfony on AWS Lambda: London, United Kingdom (February 27)
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