This week, we published the end of the year and end of the decade summaries for the Symfony project. Meanwhile, we completed a portable HTTP/2 implementation for the HttpClient component based on Amp's HTTP client. Lastly, we improved the performance of some catalogue operations in the Translator component.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 65 pull requests were merged (33 in code and 32 in docs) and 30 issues were closed (26 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 31 authors made 1,588 additions and 753 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- c976752: [Console] use helper strlen statically in FormatterHelper and remove duplicated code
- 8e9aafc: [Translator] fixed performance issue in MessageCatalogue and catalogue operations
- 28c9463: [PhpUnitBridge] add test case for @expectedDeprecation annotation
- 9392f76: [Form] ensure to expect no validation for the right reasons
- 28e502e: [PropertyInfo] fix BC issue in phpDoc Reflection library
- 8c7b1c8: [Validator] updated the Arabic translation
- 08670cc: [Mailer] fixed incorrect sender address in MailchimpBridge when sender has name
- e348513: [Mailer] fixed missing attachments in MailchimpBridge when sending via Mandrill API
- cf83c60: [HttpClient] fixed capturing SSL certificates with NativeHttpClient
- cbf2abd: [TwigBridge] added missing help messages in form themes
- 423d3dd: [Routing] fixed i18n routing when the url contains the locale
- eb5171f: [Mailer] removed line breaks in email attachment content
- 3415224: [DebugBundle] made RemoveWebServerBundleLoggerPass internal
- 6832cee: [Mailer] payload sent to Sendgrid doesn't include names
- 6b2f4e6: [HttpClient] fixed casting responses to PHP streams
- ca69626: [Mailer] make sure you can pass custom headers to Mailgun
- 9d4c98e: [HttpClient] fixed support for non-blocking resource streams
- 3ba6f8d: [Notifier] fixed Nexmo notifier bridge namespace
- f35935f: [DebugBundle] drop RemoveWebServerBundleLoggerPass
- 905db59: [FrameworkBundle] fixed getUser() phpdoc in AbstractController
- cfeacf1: [DependencyInjection] dump root namespace array_key_exists in PhpDumper
- 0c6d64b: [HttpClient] in StreamWrapper::createResource use the more efficient Response::toStream method if safe and available
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Doctrine] Provide a MongoDB pack
- [HttpFoundation] Cookie mutation
- [Workflow] Hide internal services
They talked about us
- Doctrine Behaviors 2.0 - Reloaded
- On using the good old Symfony BaseController
- TailwindCSS and Symfony’s Webpack Encore
- Symfony REST API (without FosRestBundle) using JWT authentication: PART 1
- Symfony 5 development with Docker
- Symplify - hidden treasure for symfony development
- Quelles sont vos meilleures pratiques Symfony ?
- À propos du bon vieux contrôleur de base Symfony
- Symfony + Roadrunner: как отлаживать приложение?
- Hashing passwords on the server-side, a dead end?
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Treffen der Symfony User Group Hamburg: Hamburg, Germany (January 7)
- Symfony India MeetUp #2: Noida, India (January 11)
- Symfony 5 & Schema design for e-commerce: Berlin, Germany (January 29)
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