We're super pleased to organize the 8th edition of the SymfonyLive London conference. Not yet registered? Regular registration to the event is available until August 5th, you only have a week left to register before the price changes! Join us there! The event is split into 2 days:

  • Pre-conference workshops day on September 12th
  • Conference day including 2 tracks on September 13th

The entire event will be held at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel.

Pre-conference workshops day

On September 12th, we're organizing several workshops to enable all of you to get trained on Symfony and its ecosystem before the conference day. You can choose one workshop topic among the 4 workshops we offer:

  • Getting ready for Symfony 5 by Nicolas Grekas - Symfony. Learn how to prepare a Symfony 4 app for version 5, to be released next November and all the new best practices recommended by the Symfony Core team, including the new way of using the latest improved components, whether you know them already or not.
  • Building API-driven apps with API Platform by Kévin Dunglas - Les-Tilleuls.coop. Learn how to use and extend the most popular features of the API Platform: data providers and persisters, docs, pagination, validation, sorting, filtering, authentication, authorization, content negotiation, Mercure live update and much more! This hands-on workshop is focused on the server part of the framework (PHP).
  • Practical Design Patterns with Symfony by Titouan Galopin - SymfonyInsight lead. Discover Software Architecture from the point of view of a Symfony developer. We will discuss the Design Patterns implemented by the framework and learn how these patterns can help you develop better Symfony applications. We will also implement the most important of these patterns in a real-world Symfony application in order to give you effective practical tools for your next project.
  • Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by Dmytro Naumenko - Blackfire expert. Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying to improve its performance. With this workshop, learn how to identify performance issues in your application and adopt the best profiling practices in your daily development habits. This workshop will use the Blackfire.io tool to help you identify performance leaks.

No matter your level or your Symfony skills, all our workshops are open to anyone who knows the basis of Symfony. Our trainers are happy to adapt their workshops to your expertise needs. If you're a beginner or an advanced Symfony developer, you'll always get the most out of our workshops at your own path. Find out more details about our workshops!

Conference day

The conference day will be split into 2 tracks, we're super happy to welcome 14 amazing speakers! Here is a sneak peek of the conference schedule:

  • Fabien Potencier, Symfony founder/project lead, will be on stage for the Opening Keynote where he'll announce a new component...!
  • Neal Brooks, PHP engineer who likes using Symfony, will speak about "Restless microservices with Symfony". When we think about microservices we usually imagine a bunch of self-contained and job-focused applications, each specifying and managing their own boundaries and dependencies, and talking to each other over HTTP / REST APIs. In this presentation we’ll dig into the structure of microservices, think about the major pros and cons, and see if we can tweak it into something a bit more developer-friendly without losing the benefits.
  • Valentine Boineau, SymfonyInsight Developer, will present a talk entitled "Symfony Checker is coming". Have you ever heard of the PHP AST? Maybe not... CFG and SSA? Probably not! In this talk, I will introduce these cool algorithms, how they are used in code quality analysis and how we leveraged them in a project I'm working on: the Symfony Checker.
  • Dan Blows, will talk about "Feeling unfulfilled by SPA promises? Go back to Twig". We’ve all heard the benefits of building a client-side app in JavaScript that talks to a server-side REST API. But often this approach introduces a lot of accidental complexity, without really delivering the gains. How can you get the best of both worlds? In this talk, I’ll show how to get the simplicity of server-side rendering with the architectural and performance improvements of an SPA.
  • Kamil Kokot, Open Source maintainer and contributor, Software Engineer at Sylius, founder of Friends Of Behat, will talk about "BDD Your Symfony Application". Behaviour Driven Development helps bridge the communication gap between business and IT. This talk will explain the basics of BDD methodology, best practices for writing Cucumber scenarios and how to integrate Symfony with Behat by using a new emerging solution - FriendsOfBehat's SymfonyExtension. I will share the practical insights distilled from 4 years of developing and maintaining the biggest open-source Behat suite which is a part of Sylius.
  • Tugdual Saunier, SymfonyCloud Product Manager, will introduce you to "SymfonyCloud: the infrastructure of the Symfony ecosystem". You don't know it yet but you are already using SymfonyCloud every day! Since 2018, the infrastructure of the Symfony community gradually migrated to SymfonyCloud. He'll show you what happens behind the scene and how we leverage every SymfonyCloud features to move faster.

Discover the entire conference schedule!

If you're not yet registered to SymfonyLive London 2019, take your conference ticket or combo ticket pre-conference workshop and conference at regular rate until August 5th (included). Past this date, the price will increase.

See you soon at SymfonyLive London 2019!

Published in #Community #Conferences