The SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference will take place next December, just a few days after the release of Symfony 6.0. There will be two days of workshops (December 7 and 8) followed by two days of talks (December 9 and 10).
The Call for Papers for both talks and workshops ends in just a few days, on September 20, 2021. Submit your proposals to be part of the next big Symfony conference.
All Kinds of Speakers Welcome
We strive for a conference lineup that is diverse and interesting. No matter wether you never talked at a conference before or you're an experienced conference speaker.
If you need it, the Symfony Diversity Initiative can help you with your talks and your Call for Papers proposals. Reach us at the #diversity and #speaker-mentoring channels of the Symfony Slack. Our mentors will be happy to share their experiences and help you work on your slides.
About the Talks and Workshops
Talks should last for 35 minutes, Q&A included. To enable a smooth conference experience, all talks will be pre-recorded. This will free you (and us) from the stress related to technical issues that can happen during a live talk. This will also allow us to add subtitles to all talks, to improve accessibility. Talk recordings will be available for attendees soon after the conference ends.
While your talk is being delivered, you will be available online to answer questions during or at the end of your talk in the chat! At Symfony Online conferences, you're part of the audience and that's key to a great speaker experience!
Workshops will be delivered live and they won't be recorded because they are an interactive experience that can't be translated to video.
What's Included for Speakers?
In addition to a free ticket for the conference, speakers will receive a speaker package gift. We also provide the hardware if you need it. If your camera or microphone are not good enough to record your talk or deliver your workshop, we'll gift you a new camera and microhpone.
We can't wait to read your proposals!