Symfony 2.7.35 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #24448 [Session] fix MongoDb session handler to gc all expired sessions (@Tobion)
- bug #24417 [Yaml] parse references on merge keys (@xabbuh)
- bug #24421 [Config] Fix dumped files invalidation by OPCache (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23980 Tests and fix for issue in array model data in EntityType field with multiple=true (@stoccc)
- bug #22586 [Form] Fixed PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer to accept both comma and dot as decimal separator, if possible (@aaa2000)
- bug #24157 [Intl] Fixed support of Locale::getFallback (@lyrixx)
- bug #24198 [HttpFoundation] Fix file upload multiple with no files (@enumag)
- bug #24036 [Form] Fix precision of MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer's divisions and multiplications (@Rubinum)
- bug #24367 PdoSessionHandler: fix advisory lock for pgsql (@Tobion)
- bug #24243 HttpCache does not consider ESI resources in HEAD requests (@mpdude)
- bug #24304 [FrameworkBundle] Fix RoutingDelegatingLoader (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #24219 [Console] Preserving line breaks between sentences according to the exception message (@yceruto)
- bug #23722 [Form] Fixed GroupSequence with "constraints" option (@HeahDude)
- bug #22321 [Filesystem] Fixed makePathRelative (@ausi)
- bug #23473 [Filesystem] mirror - fix copying content with same name as source/target. (@gitlost)
- bug #24162 [WebProfilerBundle] fixed TemplateManager when using Twig 2 without compat interfaces (@fabpot)
- bug #24141 [DomCrawler] Fix conversion to int on GetPhpFiles (@MaraBlaga)
- bug #23853 Filtering empty uuids in ORMQueryBuilderLoader. (@mlazovla)
- bug #24101 [Security] Fix exception when use_referer option is true and referer is not set or empty (@linniksa)
- bug #24105 [Filesystem] check permissions if dump target dir is missing (@xabbuh)
- bug #24115 [FrameworkBundle] Get KERNEL_DIR through $_ENV too for KernelTestCase (@yceruto)
- bug #24041 [ExpressionLanguage] throws an exception on calling uncallable method (@fmata)
- bug #24096 Fix ArrayInput::toString() for VALUE_IS_ARRAY options/args (@chalasr)
- bug #23730 Fixed the escaping of back slashes and << in console output (@javiereguiluz)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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