Symfony 2.7.36 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #24888 [FrameworkBundle] Specifically inject the debug dispatcher in the collector (@ogizanagi)
- bug #24909 [Intl] Update ICU data to 60.1 (@jakzal)
- bug #24906 [Bridge/ProxyManager] Remove direct reference to value holder property (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #24900 [Validator] Fix Costa Rica IBAN format (@Bozhidar Hristov)
- bug #24904 [Validator] Add Belarus IBAN format (@Bozhidar Hristov)
- bug #24531 [HttpFoundation] Fix forward-compat of NativeSessionStorage with PHP 7.2 (@sroze)
- bug #24814 [Intl] Make intl-data tests pass and save language aliases again (@jakzal)
- bug #24764 [HttpFoundation] add Early Hints to Reponse to fix test (@Simperfit)
- bug #24605 [FrameworkBundle] Do not load property_access.xml if the component isn't installed (@ogizanagi)
- bug #24606 [HttpFoundation] Fix FileBag issue with associative arrays (@enumag)
- bug #24660 Escape trailing in QuestionHelper autocompletion (@kamazee)
- bug #24644 [Security] Fixed auth provider authenticate() cannot return void (@glye)
- bug #24626 streamed response should return $this (@DQNEO)
- bug #24589 Username and password in basic auth are allowed to contain '.' (@Richard Quadling)
- bug #24566 Fixed unsetting from loosely equal keys OrderedHashMap (@maryo)
- bug #24570 [Debug] Fix same vendor detection in class loader (@Jean-Beru)
- bug #24563 [Serializer] ObjectNormalizer: throw if PropertyAccess isn't installed (@dunglas)
- bug #24579 pdo session fix (@mxp100)
- bug #24536 [Security] Reject remember-me token if UserCheckerInterface::checkPostAuth() fails (@kbond)
- bug #24519 [Validator] [Twig] added magic method isset() to File Constraint class (@loru88)
- bug #24532 [DI] Fix possible incorrect php-code when dumped strings contains newlines (@Strate)
- bug #24502 [HttpFoundation] never match invalid IP addresses (@xabbuh)
- bug #24460 [Form] fix parsing invalid floating point numbers (@xabbuh)
- bug #24490 [HttpFoundation] Combine Cache-Control headers (@c960657)
- bug #23711 Fix support for PHP 7.2 (@Simperfit, @nicolas-grekas)
- bug #24494 [HttpFoundation] Add missing session.lazy_write config option (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #24434 [Form] Use for=ID on radio/checkbox label. (@Nyholm)
- bug #24455 [Console] Escape command usage (@sroze)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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