Symfony 2.8.42 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #27669 [Filesystem] fix file lock on SunOS (@fritzmg)
- bug #27309 Fix surrogate not using original request (@Toflar)
- bug #27630 [Validator][Form] Remove BOM in some xlf files (@gautierderuette)
- bug #27591 [VarDumper] Fix dumping ArrayObject and ArrayIterator instances (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #27581 Fix bad method call with guard authentication + session migration (@weaverryan)
- bug #27452 Avoid migration on stateless firewalls (@weaverryan)
- bug #27514 [Debug] Pass previous exception to FatalErrorException (@pmontoya)
- bug #26973 [HttpKernel] Set first trusted proxy as REMOT _ADDR in InlineFragmentRenderer. (@kmadejski)
- bug #27303 [Process] Consider "executable" suffixes first on Windows (@sanmai)
- bug #27297 Triggering RememberMe's loginFail() when token cannot be created (@weaverryan)
- bug #27366 [DI] never inline lazy services (@nicolas-grekas)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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