Symfony 3.4.28 released
May 28, 2019 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 3.4 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 3.4.28 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #31584 [Workflow] Do not trigger extra guards (@lyrixx)
- bug #31349 [WebProfilerBundle] Use absolute URL for profiler links (@Alumbrados)
- bug #31541 [DI] fix using bindings with locators of service subscribers (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #31568 [Process] Fix infinite waiting for stopped process (@mshavliuk)
- bug #31551 [ProxyManager] isProxyCandidate() does not take into account interfaces (@andrerom)
- bug #31335 [Doctrine] Respect parent class contract in ContainerAwareEventManager (@Koc)
- bug #31421 [Routing][AnnotationClassLoader] fix utf-8 encoding in default route name (@przemyslaw-bogusz)
- bug #31510 Use the current working dir as default first arg in 'link' binary (@lyrixx)
- bug #31535 [Debug] Wrap call to requir _once in a try/catch (@lyrixx)
- bug #31438 [Serializer] Fix denormalization of object with variadic constructor typed argument (@ajgarlag)
- bug #31475 [HttpFoundation] Allow set 'None' on samesite cookie flag (@markitosgv)
- bug #31261 [Console] Commands with an alias should not be recognized as ambiguous when using register (@Simperfit)
- bug #31371 [DI] Removes number of elements information in debug mode (@jschaedl)
- bug #31418 [FrameworkBundle] clarify the possible class/interface of the cache (@xabbuh)
- bug #31411 [Intl] Fix root fallback locale (@ro0NL)
- bug #31377 [Console] Fix auto-complete for ChoiceQuestion (multi-select answers) (@battye)
- bug #31380 [WebProfilerBundle] Don't filter submitted IP values (@javiereguiluz)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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