Symfony 5.4.36 released
February 27, 2024 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 5.4 is backed by:
Symfony 5.4.36 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.35:
- bug #54045 [Config][Messenger][Security] Don't turn deprecations into exceptions when unserializing (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #54035 [DependencyInjection] Fix computing error messages involving service locators (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #53959 [Serializer] Fix unknown types normalization type when know type (@Myks92)
- bug #53960 [Messenger] the 'use_notify' option is on the factory, not on the postgres connection (@dbu)
- bug #54031 [ErrorHandler] Fix parsing messages that contain anonymous classes on PHP >= 8.3.3 (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #53967 [ErrorHandler] return the unchanged text if preg_replace_callback() fails (@xabbuh)
- bug #54001 [Console] Fix display of Table on Windows OS (@VincentLanglet)
- bug #53989 [FrameworkBundle] Fix config builder with extensions extended in build() (@HypeMC)
- bug #54004 [WebProfilerBundle] disable turbo in web profiler toolbar to avoid link prefetching (@davidgorges)
- bug #53975 [Cache] explicitly cast boolean SSL stream options (@xabbuh)
- bug #53913 [TwigBridge] Fix compat with Twig v3.9 (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #53944 [Messenger] Gracefully fallback to empty queue config (@Wirone)
- bug #53934 [Mailer] Fix signed emails breaking the profiler (@HypeMC)
- bug #53924 [FrameworkBundle] Check if the _route attribute exists on the request (@xvilo)
- bug #53910 [Messenger] Fix SQS visibility_timeout type (@valtzu)
- bug #53889 [HttpClient] Make retry strategy work again (@Nyholm)
- bug #53755 [Validator] Fix fields without constraints in Collection (@xabbuh, @HypeMC)
- bug #53821 [Process] Fix Inconsistent Exit Status in proc_get_status for PHP Versions Below 8.3 (@Luc45)
- bug #53792 [FrameworkBundle] Fix eager-loading of env vars in ConfigBuilderCacheWarmer (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #53785 [FrameworkBundle] Prevent silenced warning by checking if /proc/mount exists (@shyim)
- bug #53730 [Messenger] [Beanstalkd] fix tube stats when it's empty (@eminjk)
- bug #53754 [DoctrineBridge] forward-compatibility with field mappings in Doctrine ORM 4 (@xabbuh)
- bug #53707 [Console] Fix color support for TTY output (@theofidry)
- bug #53712 [Mailer] Fix usage of stream_set_timeout in case of microseconds (@aleksejs1)
- bug #53715 [String] Fix plural of word ending by pus (@Fan2Shrek)
- bug #53711 [Console] Allow false as a $shortcut in InputOption (@jayminsilicon)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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