Symfony 5.4.39 released
April 29, 2024 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 5.4 is backed by:
Symfony 5.4.39 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.38:
- bug #54751 [Validator] detect wrong e-mail validation modes (@xabbuh)
- bug #54723 [Form] read form values using the chain data accessor (@xabbuh)
- bug #54706 [Yaml] call substr() with integer offsets (@xabbuh)
- bug #54675 [PropertyInfo] Fix PHPStan properties type in trait (@mtarld)
- bug #54635 [Serializer] Revert "Fix object normalizer when properties has the same name as their accessor" - it was a BC Break (@NeilPeyssard)
- bug #54625 [Intl] Remove resources data from classmap generation (@shyim)
- bug #54598 [TwigBridge] implement NodeVisitorInterface instead of extending AbstractNodeVisitor (@xabbuh)
- bug #54072 [HttpKernel] Fix datacollector caster for reference object property (@ebuildy)
- bug #54564 [Translation] Skip state=needs-translation entries only when source == target (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #54579 [Cache] Always select database for persistent redis connections (@uncaught)
- bug #54059 [Security] Validate that CSRF token in form login is string similar to username/password (@glaubinix)
- bug #54547 [HttpKernel] Force non lazy controller services (@smnandre)
- bug #54517 [HttpClient] Let curl handle transfer encoding (@michaelhue)
- bug #52917 [Serializer] Fix unexpected allowed attributes (@mtarld)
- bug #54063 [FrameworkBundle] Fix registration of the bundle path to translation (@FlyingDR)
- bug #54392 [Messenger] Make Doctrine connection ignore unrelated tables on setup (@MatTheCat)
- bug #54506 [HttpFoundation] Set content-type header in RedirectResponse (@smnandre)
- bug #52698 [Serializer] Fix XML scalar to object denormalization (@mtarld)
- bug #54485 [Serializer] Ignore when using #[Ignore] on a non-accessor (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #54242 [HttpClient] [EventSourceHttpClient] Fix consuming SSEs with \r\n separator (@fancyweb)
- bug #54456 [DomCrawler] Encode html entities only if nessecary (@ausi)
- bug #54471 [Filesystem] Strengthen the check of file permissions in dumpFile (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #54403 [FrameworkBundle] [Command] Fix #54402: Suppress PHP warning when is_readable() tries to access dirs outside of open_basedir restrictions (Jeldrik Geraedts)
- bug #54440 [Console] return null when message with name is not set (@xabbuh)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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