Symfony 6.2.8 released
March 31, 2023 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 6.2 is backed by:
Warning: Symfony 6.2 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 6.2.8 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.2.7:
- bug #49835 [Form] CollectionType apply prototypeOptions to ResizeFormListener new fields (@Thorry84)
- bug #49849 [FrameworkBundle] Fix services usages output for text descriptor (@rmikalkenas)
- bug #49525 [Serializer] Fix serialized path for non-scalar values (@boenner)
- bug #49618 [Serializer] Preserve array keys while denormalize variadic parameters (@melya)
- bug #49401 [TwigBridge] Fix raw content rendering in HTML notification emails (@1ed)
- bug #49679 [FrameworkBundle] enable metadata cache when annotation is disabled (@bastnic)
- bug #49796 [HttpClient] Fix not calling the on progress callback when canceling a MockResponse (@fancyweb)
- bug #49850 [FrameworkBundle] Fix auto-discovering validator constraints (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #49867 [DependencyInjection] Filter "container.excluded" services when using findTaggedServiceIds() (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #49833 [Translation] TranslatorBag::diff now iterates over catalogue domains instead of operation domains (@welcoMattic)
- bug #49848 [Cache] Fix storing binary keys when using pgsql (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #49765 [Console] Add missing ZSH mention in DumpCompletionCommand help (@lyrixx)
- bug #49843 [FrameworkBundle] Add missing monolog channel tag for messenger services (@rmikalkenas)
- bug #49745 [FrameworkBundle] Fix wiring session.handler when handler_id is null (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #49189 [FrameworkBundle] Improve documentation about translation:extract --sort option (@marien-probesys)
- bug #49274 [VarDumper] Disable links for IntelliJ platform (@SerafimArts)
- bug #49682 [FrameworkBundle] Workflow - Fix LogicException about a wrong configuration of "enabled" node (@adpauly)
- bug #49758 [HttpFoundation] Use separate caches for IpUtils checkIp4 and checkIp6 (@danielburger1337)
- bug #49722 [HttpClient] Encode and decode curly brackets {} (@pbowyer)
- bug #49720 [Serializer] GetSetMethodNormalizer::supportss should not check ignored methods (@nikophil)
- bug #49681 [String] Correct inflection of 'codes' and 'names' (@GwendolenLynch)
- bug #49697 [Validator] Update BIC validator IBAN mappings (@maxbeckers)
- bug #49706 Stop stopwatch events in case of exception (@MatTheCat)
- bug #49657 [HttpKernel] Change limit argument from string to integer for Profiler (@Aliance)
- bug #49674 [FrameworkBundle] Rename limiter’s strategy to policy in XSD (@MatTheCat)
- bug #49673 [VarDumper] Fixed dumping of CutStub (@lyrixx)
- bug #49604 [Mailer] STDOUT blocks infinitely under Windows when STDERR is filled (@TemaYud)
- bug #49651 [DependencyInjection] Fix support binary values in parameters. (@vtsykun)
- bug #49548 [Messenger] Fix TransportNamesStamp deserialization (@tucksaun)
- bug #49580 [HttpClient] Fix encoding "+" in URLs (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #49541 [Security] Remove @internal tag on TraceableAuthenticator::getAuthenticator() (@florentdestremau)
- bug #49578 [DependencyInjection] Fix dumping array of enums parameters (@fancyweb)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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