Symfony 6.4.2 released
December 30, 2023 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 6.4 is backed by:
Symfony 6.4.2 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.4.1:
- bug #53282 [RateLimiter] Fix RateLimit->getRetryAfter() return value when consuming 0 or last tokens (@wouterj, @ERuban)
- bug #53054 [Cache] Fix expiration time for CouchbaseCollection (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #53259 [RateLimit] Test and fix peeking behavior on rate limit policies (@wouterj)
- bug #52406 [Validator] Fix Constraints\Email::ERROR_NAMES (@mathroc)
- bug #53140 [Serializer] Skip uninitialized properties with deep_object_to_populate (@mtarld)
- bug #53195 [HttpKernel] Fix default locale is ignored when set_locale_from_accept_language is used (@jkobus)
- bug #52928 [Dotenv] Allow environment variables starting with an underscore (@xabbuh)
- bug #53243 [Mailer][Postmark] Add missing changelog for webhook support (@OskarStark)
- bug #53232 [Notifier] [Smsc] Require login and password (@OskarStark)
- bug #53225 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the design of the compact toolbar button (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #52869 [AssetMapper] Improve link generation script (@smnandre)
- bug #53203 [Intl] [Emoji] Fix emoji files (remove wrong characters / add missing data) (@smnandre)
- bug #53178 [Translation][Crowdin] Use project language mapping (@andrii-bodnar)
- bug #53187 [Messenger] Fix using negative delay (@J-roen)
- bug #53133 [Validator] Fix using known option names as field names (@HypeMC)
- bug #53172 [SecurityBundle] Prevent to login/logout without a request context (@symfonyaml)
- bug #52881 [DoctrineBridge] Global query time always at 0.00 ms on profiler (Maxime THIRY)
- bug #53173 [FrameworkBundle] add missing webhook services for Brevo and Mailjet (@xabbuh)
- bug #53153 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix JS error when evaluating scripts (@jderusse)
- feature #53150 [Contracts] Allow psr/container 1.1 again (@derrabus)
- bug #52998 [Notifier] [Bridges] Provide EventDispatcher and HttpClient to the transport (@rdavaillaud)
- bug #52817 [Serializer] Do not instantiate object if it is not instantiable (@maxbaldanza)
- bug #53003 [AssetMapper] Fix URL pattern when importing es-module-shims (@hashbanged)
- bug #53079 [DoctrineBridge] Add check for lazy object interface (@maxbaldanza)
- bug #53061 [Mailer] [Mailjet] Disable tls for mailjet as it should use STARTTLS (@RFreij)
- bug #53115 [Serializer] Fix partial denormalization with missing constructor arguments (@HypeMC)
- bug #53128 Change ProxyCacheWarmer::warmUp signature (@llupa)
- bug #53120 [Translation] add the Phrase translation provider to the UnsupportedSchemeException (@xabbuh)
- bug #53125 [Mailer] add the MailPace transport to the UnsupportedSchemeException (@xabbuh)
- bug #53081 [Serializer] Keep stack trace for enum value denormalizer error (@kylekatarnls)
- bug #53107 [HttpKernel] Don't validate partially denormalized object (@HypeMC)
- bug #52891 [HttpKernel] Fix request attribute value ignored with pinned resolvers (@HypeMC)
- bug #53057 [HttpKernel] Move @internal from AbstractSessionListener class to its methods and properties (@Florian-Merle)
- bug #52990 [TwigBridge] don't use deprecated and internal Twig functions (@xabbuh)
- bug #53004 [FrameworkBundle] Add missing webhook parsers (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #53007 [FrameworkBundle] Fix webhook parser service removal and add notifier parser service removal (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #52996 [Validator] add missing translation (@xabbuh)
- bug #52979 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix "Copy as cURL" dark style (@HypeMC)
- bug #52978 [Webhook] [Framework] Added missing XML attribute in config XSD (@TimoBakx)
- bug #52584 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix intercept external redirects (@HeahDude)
- bug #52964 [ExpressionLanguage] Fix null coalescing propagation (@fancyweb)
- bug #52963 [FrameworkBundle] Fix profiling commands without router (@HeahDude)
- bug #52966 [FrameworkBundle] Fix profiling command in web context (@HeahDude)
- bug #52937 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix "Copy as cURL" (@HypeMC)
- bug #52940 [Console] Fix color support check on non-Windows platforms (@theofidry)
- bug #52896 [Messenger] Avoid reconnecting active Redis connections. (@BusterNeece)
- bug #52923 Avoid incompatibility with symfony/console 7 (@jdecool)
- bug #52927 [Dotenv] Properly handle SYMFONY_DOTENV_VARS being the empty string (@xabbuh)
- bug #52935 [Validator] Missing translations for Slovak (sk) #51954 (Jan Vernarsky)
- bug #52941 [Console] Fix xterm detection (@theofidry)
- bug #52795 [FrameworkBundle] do not overwrite an application's default serialization context (@xabbuh)
- bug #52870 [SecurityBundle] Fix redeclaration of InternalSecurity class when opcache preload is active (@kaznovac)
- bug #52885 [Serializer] fix nullable int cannot be serialized (@nikophil)
- bug #52886 [HttpKernel] Catch TypeError if the wrong type is used in BackedEnumValueResolver (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #52878 [WebProfiler] Fix unclosed JS script cannot be parsed (@smnandre)
- bug #52867 [Validator] Only trigger deprecation when Validator annotations are used (@HypeMC)
- bug #52864 [HttpClient][Mailer][Process] always pass microseconds to usleep as integers (@xabbuh)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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