Symfony 7.1.4 released
August 30, 2024 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 7.1 is backed by:
Symfony 7.1.4 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 7.1.3:
- bug #58110 [PropertyAccess] Fix handling property names with a . (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #58127 [Validator] synchronize IBAN formats (@xabbuh)
- bug #58112 fix Twig 3.12 compatibility (@xabbuh)
- bug #58078 [TwigBridge] Fix Twig deprecation notice (@yceruto)
- bug #58000 [DependencyInjection] Fix issue between decorator and service locator index (@lyrixx)
- bug #58044 [HttpClient] Do not overwrite the host to request when using option "resolve" (@xabbuh)
- bug #58046 [AssetMapper] Fix JsDeliver import regexp (@smnandre)
- bug #57298 [DependencyInjection] Fix handling of repeated #[Autoconfigure] attributes (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #57493 [SecurityBundle] Make security schema deterministic (@MatTheCat)
- bug #58025 [Mailer] [Brevo] Support the unique_proxy_open event (@richardhj)
- bug #58015 [HttpKernel] ESI fragment content may be missing in conditional requests (@mpdude)
- bug #58017 [SecurityBundle] Revert adding _stateless attribute to the request when firewall is stateless and the attribute is not already set (@MatTheCat)
- bug #58020 [TwigBridge] fix compatibility with Twig 3.12 and 4.0 (@xabbuh)
- bug #58002 [Security] Revert stateless check for ContextListener (@VincentLanglet)
- bug #58010 [PsrHttpMessageBridge] Fix conversion of partitioned cookies in the PSR-7 bridge (@stof)
- bug #57853 [Console] Fix side-effects from running bash completions (@Seldaek)
- bug #57997 [Console][PhpUnitBridge][VarDumper] Fix handling NO_COLOR env var (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #57928 [Serializer] fix denormalizing mixed collection values (@rynhndrcksn)
- bug #57944 [DoctrineBridge] Fix the LockStoreSchemaListener (@MatTheCat)
- bug #57984 [Validator] Add D regex modifier in relevant validators (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #57981 [HttpClient] reject malformed URLs with a meaningful exception (@xabbuh)
- bug #57968 [Yaml] :bug: throw ParseException on invalid date (@homersimpsons)
- bug #57925 [Validator] reset the validation context after validating nested constraints (@xabbuh)
- bug #57933 [Messenger] Prevent waiting time to overflow when using long delays (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #57920 [Form] Fix handling empty data in ValueToDuplicatesTransformer (@xabbuh)
- bug #57917 [HttpKernel] [WebProfileBundle] Fix Routing panel for URLs with a colon (@akeylimepie)
- bug #57885 [Cache] fix compatibility with redis extension 6.0.3+ (@xabbuh)
- bug #57861 [Form] NumberType: Fix parsing of numbers in exponential notation with negative exponent (@jbtronics)
- bug #57937 [DependencyInjection] Fix importing PHP configs in the prepend extension method (@yceruto)
- bug #57921 [Finder] do not duplicate directory separators (@xabbuh)
- bug #57875 [String] Fixed Quorum plural, and Quora singular in EnglishInflector (@Dean151)
- bug #57895 [Finder] do not duplicate directory separators (@xabbuh)
- bug #57905 [Validator] allow more unicode characters in URL paths (@xabbuh)
- bug #57899 [String] [EnglishInflector] Fix words ending with le, e.g., articles (@aleho)
- bug #57894 [Validator] Add tldMessage parameter to Url constraint constructor (@syjust)
- bug #57896 [Mime] Fix RawMessage constructor argument type (@alexandre-daubois)
- bug #57887 [Uid] Ensure UuidV1 is created in lowercase (@smnandre)
- bug #57870 [HttpClient] Disable HTTP/2 PUSH by default when using curl (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #57625 [DoctrineBridge] Make EntityValueResolver return null if a composite ID value is null (@MatTheCat)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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