SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022

SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 is just around the corner! D-28!

As this event approaches we are proud to announce you the next speaker:

Nicolas Grekas (@nicolasgrekas), General Manager and OSS core contributor at Symfony, who will talk about "Unleashing the power of lazy objects in PHP":

"Lazy-objects are a bit magical. They are created empty and populate themselves on-demand. They are useful when an object is heavy to instantiate but is not always used, like for example Doctrine entities or Symfony lazy-services.

But do you know how they work internally? In this talk, they will tell you about the mechanisms provided by PHP to enable such use cases 🧙. Because doing this sort of wizardry is not common practice, they will also introduce you to two new traits that package those lazy-loading behaviors introduced in Symfony 6.2: one for virtual inheritance proxies, and one for ghost objects 👻.

While lazy objects used to require complex code generation, these new traits make it way easier to leverage them, opening up possible innovations; lazy arguments, lazy properties, or by-design lazy classes to name a few ones. What will you come up with? Let us know after you've seen this talk!"

Do you know that you are only a few steps away from joining the community at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022?

1) Read the detailed talks and program:

November 15-16: Pre-conference workshops. Have a look on the topics!.

November 17-18: Conference with 3 tracks during 2 days with Fabien Potencier, Sebastian Bergmann, Marion Hurteau, Diego Aguiar, Ondřej Mirtes, Titouan Galopin, Pauline Vos, Tomas Votruba, David Buchmann, Alexander M. Turek, Isabel Garrido Cardenas, Stefan Koopmanschap, Mathieu Santostefano, Camille Jouan, Florent Destremau, Fred Plais & Leah Goldfarb, Christopher Hertel, Łukasz Chruściel, Ivo Lukač, Tomasz Kowalczyk, Robin Chalas, Kévin Dunglas, Ryan Weaver, Claudio Zizza, Nathalie Harper, Erik Evrard, Mary Thomas, Shawna Spoor, Jessica Orozco, and Jérôme Vieilledent, and Ori Pekelman.

The detailed and complete program is available online.

2) Register by clicking on "Buy tickets"

  • "Workshop only", November 15-16, 10 workshops per day in small groups to learn, practice and improve your skills. Have a look on the workshop topics!

  • "Conference only", November 17-18, 3 main tracks, 1 unconference track, + 38 speakers, a private evening in the Walt Disney studio

  • A combo ticket "Conference + Workshops" to live "a week of Symfony" experience!

3) Prepare your participation by reading the participant guide

Join us and be part of the @symfony community!

Published in #Conferences