SymfonyCon Lisbon here we come: schedule part 3 (final part)!
September 11, 2018 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
The last talks and speakers for SymfonyCon Lisbon are online! We’ve announced the first part and the second part of the conference schedule in previous blog posts. We’re now very happy to announce the last part of the talks and speakers selected for SymfonyCon Lisbon 2018.
We're very pleased to welcome the last 10 speakers of the conference. Meet all the conference speakers and discover their awesome talks (in alphabetical order):
Antoine Bluchet, Lead Developer who started PHP at 15 years old, will be speaking about "Leverage the power of Symfony components within ApiPlatform". ApiPlatform is great for building API-first software. Even better, it's build on top of Symfony! Did you hear about Symfony's Workflow component? Or the brand new Messenger component? For example, a pizza order can take multiple statuses, each one in transition with another (order, pay, wait, eat). This is a workflow. While waiting for the product, it needs to be cooked! Every time the order is paid, we have to send an instruction to the kitchen. Today, why don't we automatically push that message? Thanks to this talk, discover how well these two fit on top of our Symfony-based API!
Anderson Casimiro, PHPer since 2001, Collaborator and Cofounder of the biggest Brazilian PHP UG - PHPSP, will be on stage for a talk about "Modern application built from scratch: API Platform FTW". Scenario: You had an awesome idea. A brand new business. So you have to test it‘s adherence to market… as soon as possible. How? Fortunately we have Symfony and API Platform. This session will cover main topics to build a real world project on top of REST and GraphQL APIs with modern authentication while delivering clients and documentation.
Michael Cullum, Symfony Security Lead, PHP-FIG Core Committee and phpBB Team, will be talking about "Profiling your Symfony application". A 1 second delay on an e-commerce site can result in a 7% reduction in your conversion rate; but profiling isn't just important in e-commerce when limited resources are available. In this talk we'll look at how to identify bottlenecks in your application using a variety of tools; and how we can use those profiler results to improve our Symfony applications' performance.
Kévin Dunglas, Symfony Core Team member and creator of the API Platform framework, will present a talk about "Panther: test your Symfony apps with real web browsers". Panther is a brand new e2e testing and web scrapping library written in PHP that drives real browsers thanks to the WebDriver protocol from the W3C. It implements the exact same API than the BrowserKit component. It means that existing SF tests and Goutte scripts work without modification… but this time JS will be executed! The tool also brings new capabilities including taking screenshots or executing custom JS in the execution context of the web page. Let’s meet the feline!
Anthony Ferrara, PHP contributor and involved member of the PHP community, CTO specialized in Object Oriented Design, Application Architecture, Web Application Security, and Team Building and Management, will present a Keynote entitled "Microservices gone wrong". Microservices are the latest architectural trend to take the PHP community by storm. Is it a good pattern? How can you use it effectively? In this talk, we'll explore real world experience building out a large scale application based around microservices: what worked really well, what didn't work at all, and what we learned along the way. Spoiler alert: we got a lot wrong.
Nicolas Grekas, Symfony Core Team Member, whose talk details will be announced very soon.
Tim Huijzers, Developer, Members of Pay-it team and advocate for good architecture and Founder of DeventerPHP, will be speaking about "My first year with event sourcing (in Symfony)". Over the last couple of years, I have heard of Event sourcing but didn't really know where to start. After having some basic information it was time to start a Hackathon and after that something production worty. In this talk I will try to give the best information to get started and to know some of the problems you can face if you begin event-sourcing.
Sarah Khalil, Senior Software Engineer, Enthusiastic about Symfony and its ecosystem, and Fabien Potencier, Symfony founder and project lead, will be both on stage for the closing Keynote of the conference to present the talk "A Year of Symfony". Let's review what happened during the last year: basically we'll see and/or discover nice new features that appeared since the last year.
Tobias Nyholm, Symfony Core Team and Symfony CARE team member, will speak about "Symfony 4 internals". This talk will go over the architecture of Symfony. We will follow the request and the response paths throw the framework. We will do some stops at the components that are more awesome than others. It's a perfect talk for those who are working with Symfony or Laravel and want to understand what the framework actually is doing for you.
Ryan Weaver, Symfony Core Team Member and lead of Symfony Documentation, will be on stage to talk about "Webpack Encore: Tips, Tricks, Questions & Best Practices". In this talk, we'll quickly learn the basics of Webpack Encore, then, turn to the lessons we've learned over the past year: answer popular questions and explore common problems people run into when moving to Encore. We'll also dive into a host of lesser-known best practices that you can follow to make sure your frontend coding is as streamlined as possible. A modern frontend build system: all in the time of one talk!
Find out the entire conference schedule and start to create your own conference schedule. We will have an unconference track on the second day of the conference, more details about it soon!
Not registered yet? Join us at the international Symfony conference, take your conference ticket now. We also organize several pre-conference workshops, buy your combo workshop and conference ticket to secure your seat there!
The conference is coming in less than 3 months, see you in Lisbon!
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