SymfonyLive Online Conference Logo

About 900 people attended the second edition of the SymfonyLive Online conference on April 17th 2020. What a success! We’re super pleased of the Symfony community interest in this new conference format. The replay of the conference is available until Friday April 24th 2020. If you missed the live conference, watch the replay now. Register at 9.99€ VAT excluded, per person and enjoy the online conference replay.

Here is the conference agenda:

  • The Symfony Notifier Component (40 min) by Fabien Potencier, project lead of Symfony, founder/CEO of Blackfire and Symfony SAS. Symfony 5.0 introduced a new Notifier Component. It is based on the work done previously in the Mailer, HttpClient, and Messenger component and leverages their features. Learn more about how to use it in your own applications.
  • Preloading and Symfony, a love story (40 min) by Nicolas Grekas, core contributor of Symfony, principal engineer for Symfony SAS. PHP preload is a hot topic these days, yet the first versions of PHP 7.4 crashed when it was enabled. Since September with the first experiments (and crash reports), Nicolas is tracking the beast: PHP 7.4.4 finally makes it usable in all contexts and he has been measuring it on a "Hello World" app. Can you expect the same benefits on your apps? Preloading comes with its own challenges. Let's review them and figure how you can get the most out of it for the benefit of your server's efficiency and response time.

Learn the latest about Symfony with our Symfony experts from home! Whether you can attend the international SymfonyCon or any local SymfonyLive conferences, these online gatherings might be the best opportunity to enhance your Symfony experience and support Symfony!

Happy watching and stay safe!

Published in #Community #Conferences