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Release Process

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This document explains the release process for the Symfony Content Management Framework. See the core documentation for the core Symfony release process.

Symfony CMF manages its releases through a time-based model; a new Symfony CMF release comes out every six months. We want to synchronize with the core Symfony release dates and release a version about one month after Symfony. This should lead to releases in June and December.

This release cycle is for the symfony-cmf/symfony-cmf repository and the symfony-cmf Standard Edition. The individual CMF bundles and components may release minor versions more often, if needed. symfony-cmf/symfony-cmf will always point to a working combination and only integrate newer minor versions when a minor release of the CMF is scheduled.

Point releases (i.e. 1.0.1) are used to quickly provide important fixes. New features are never added in the point releases, but only in minor releases. With the release of 1.0, we will create a branch 1.0 to maintain such fixes, and master becomes aliased to 1.1.x-dev.

The CMF Standard Edition and symfony-cmf will get point releases whenever one of the included bundles does a point release.


The six-months period is divided into two phases:

  • Development: Four months to add new features and to enhance existing ones;
  • Stabilisation: Two months to fix bugs and prepare the release.

During the development phase, any new feature can be reverted if it won't be finished in time or if it won't be stable enough to be included in the current final release.


The CMF is a community effort and as such, no maintenance can be guaranteed. If you need maintenance contracts, please get in contact with the lead developers. They work at internet agencies and will be able to offer support and maintenance contracts.

Backward Compatibility

We make an effort to respect semver. When possible, we will provide backward compatible (BC) minor versions. When this would be too cumbersome, we will bump to a new major version. Major versions do not necessarily follow the Symfony framework major versions.

The document will help you to both upgrade minor and major versions.


When a feature implementation cannot be replaced with a better one without breaking backward compatibility, there is still the possibility to deprecate the old implementation and add a new preferred one along side. Read the conventions document to learn more about how deprecations are handled in Symfony.


This release process was adopted to give more predictability and transparency. It is heavily inspired by the core Symfony release process.

This work, including the code samples, is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.