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Dynamic Router

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The Symfony default Router was developed to handle static Route definitions, as they are usually declared in configuration files, prior to execution. The complete routing configuration is injected in the constructor. It then creates a UrlMatcher with this configuration, rather than having the matcher injected as a service. This makes the default router a poor choice to handle dynamically defined routes. To handle large numbers of user created routes, this component contains the DynamicRouter that is configured with a RequestMatcherInterface or UrlMatcherInterface service. The actual matching logic depends on the underlying matcher implementation you choose. You can easily use you own matching strategy by passing it to the DynamicRouter constructor. As part of this component, the NestedMatcher is already provided.

The DynamicRouter further allows to modify the resulting parameters of the routing match, using a set of RouteEnhancerInterface that can be easily configured.

The DynamicRouter is also able to generate URLs from Route objects. The ProviderBasedGenerator can generate URLs loaded from a RouteProviderInterface instance. The ContentAwareGenerator can determine the Route to generate the URL from any content object that implements the RouteReferrersInterface, meaning you can generate a URL directly from a content object.


Optionally, you can provide an Event Dispatcher to the dynamic router. If you do, it will trigger one of the pre-match events during the match process, depending on which method is used and another event before generating a URL:

  • cmf_routing.pre_dynamic_match (Dispatched at the beginning of the match method)
  • cmf_routing.pre_dynamic_match_request (Dispatched at the beginning of the matchRequest method. In the context of the Symfony full stack framework, only this event will be triggered.)
  • cmf_routing.pre_dynamic_generate (Dispatched at the beginning of the generate method)

Pre-match events are of class Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Event\RouterMatchEvent, the generate event is of class Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Event\RouterGenerateEvent. The generate event also allows you to manipulate the route name, parameters and reference type in the event, by updating the values in the event.

The Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Event\Events class contains the event constants. To learn how to register the events, see "`How to create an Event Listener`_" in the core documentation.


The dynamic router needs to be injected a RequestMatcherInterface or a UrlMatcherInterface. This component provides a suitable implementation with the NestedMatcher.

Route Enhancers

Optionally, and following the matching process, a set of RouteEnhancerInterface instances can be applied by the DynamicRouter. Route enhancers are a way to manipulate the parameters from the matched route before the framework continues. They can be used, for example, to dynamically assign a controller or to keep logic out of the controller by determining parameters or "upcasting" request parameters to the objects they correspond to.

The component already provides some general purpose enhancers. They all follow the principle to never change an existing field but only add fields if they do not exist yet:

If the route is an instance of RouteObjectInterface, this enhancer sets the target field to the return value of getContent().
Configured with a key-value map. If a specified field of the match contains a key, the target field is set to the value.
Configured with a map of class names to values. If the specified field contains an object that is an instance of a class in the map, sets the target field to the corresponding value. Note that the first match is taken, should the objects be instance of more than one of the classes. This enhancer is for example used to determine the controller and template based on the class of a Content document. This enhancer is similar to FieldMapEnhancer, but doing an instanceof check rather than string comparison for the map keys.
If a field is present in the route match, sets an other field to a specified value if that field is not set yet.
If the source field is present in the route match, sets target field to the content returned by the ContentRepositoryInterface with value of the source field, if target field is not yet set.

You can also create your own route enhancer by creating a class which implements Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Enhancer\RouteEnhancerInterface.

Route enhancers are registered using the addRouteEnhancer method, which has an optional second argument to provide the priority.

Route Enhancer Compiler Pass

This component provides a RegisterRouteEnhancersPass. If you use the Symfony Dependency Injection Component, you can use this compiler pass to register all enhancers having a specific tag with the dynamic router:

use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RegisterRouterEnhancersPass;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;

// a ContainerBuilder
$container = ...;

$pass = new RegisterRouterEnhancersPass('cmf_routing.dynamic_router', 'dynamic_router_route_enhancer');

After adding the passes and configuring the container builder, you continue with compiling the container as explained in the Symfony DI Component compilation section.

You can optionally configure the dynamic router service name. The compiler pass will modify this service definition to register the enhancers when the dynamic router is loaded from the container. If you do not specify anything, the default service name is cmf_routing.dynamic_router.

You can also configure the tag name you want to use with the second argument to the compiler pass constructor. If you don't, the default tag is dynamic_router_route_enhancer. If you are using the Symfony CMF RoutingBundle, this tag is already active with the default name.

Linking a Route with a Content

Depending on your application's logic, a requested URL may have an associated content object. A route for such an URL may implement the RouteObjectInterface to return a content object if present. If you configure the RouteContentEnhancer, it will insert the content object into the match array at the _content key. Notice that a Route may implement the RouteObjectInterface but still not to return any model instance in some cases. In that situation, the _content field will not be set.

Furthermore, routes that implement this interface can also provide a custom Route name. The key returned by getRouteKey will be used as route name instead of the Symfony core compatible route name and can contain any characters. This allows you, for example, to set a path as the route name. Both UrlMatchers provided with the NestedMatcher replace the _route key with the route instance and put the provided name into _route_name.

All routes still need to extend the base class Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Route from the Symfony component.


You can create redirections by implementing the RedirectRouteInterface. It can redirect to an absolute URI, a route name that can be generated by any Router in the chain or to another Route object.

Notice that the actual redirection logic is not handled by the bundle. You should implement your own logic to handle the redirection. For an example of implementing that redirection under the full Symfony stack, refer to the RoutingBundle.

Generating URLs

Apart from matching an incoming request to a set of parameters, a Router is also responsible for generating an URL from a route and its parameters. The ChainRouter iterates over its known routers until one of them is able to generate a matching URL.

Beside RequestMatcherInterface and UrlMatcherInterface to match a Request/URL to its corresponding parameters, the DynamicRouter also uses an UrlGeneratorInterface instance, which allows it to generate an URL from a route.

The generator method looks like this:

public function generate(string $name, array $parameters = [], int $referenceType = self::ABSOLUTE_PATH);

In Symfony core, all routes are identified by name. The CMF routing also can generate URLs from route objects. As the $name must be a string, the special cmf_routing_object name must be used and the route instance is passed in the parameters with key _route_object.

The ProviderBasedGenerator extends Symfony's default UrlGenerator (which, in turn, implements UrlGeneratorInterface) and asks the route provider to find a route based on the name and parameters. It then lets the core logic generate the URL from that Route.

The CMF component also includes the ContentAwareGenerator, which extends the ProviderBasedGenerator, that checks if _route_object parameter is an object implementing RouteReferrersReadInterface. If it is, it gets the Route from that object. Using the ContentAwareGenerator, you can generate URLs for your content in three ways:

  • Either pass a Route object as the _route_object parameter
  • Or pass a RouteReferrersInterface object that is your content as the _route_object parameter
  • Or provide an implementation of ContentRepositoryInterface and pass the id of the content object as parameter content_id and cmf_routing_object as $name.

If you want to implement your own generator, implement the VersatileGeneratorInterface to get better debug messages for when a route can not be generated.

This work, including the code samples, is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.