EasyAdmin Money Field
This field is used to represent the value of properties that store amounts of money.
In form pages (edit and new) it looks like this:

Basic Information
- PHP Class:
\Bundle \EasyAdminBundle \Field \MoneyField - Doctrine DBAL Type used to store this value:
- Symfony Form Type used to render the field: MoneyType
Rendered as:
<input type="number">
The currency associated to the amount of money is needed to format the field
value in read-only pages (index
and detail
). If the currency is known and
the same for all values of the field, use this option (otherwise, use the
The method argument must be a valid ISO 4217 standard currency code:
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// e.g. 'INR' = 'Indian Rupee'
yield MoneyField('...')->setCurrency('INR');
The currency associated to the amount of money is needed to format the field
value in read-only pages (index
and detail
). If the currency changes
for each field value, you'll probably store that currency code (following the
ISO 4217 standard) as a property of the entity.
Use this option to tell EasyAdmin which is the property that stores the currency code. The method argument is any valid Symfony PropertyAccess expression:
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yield MoneyField('...')->setCurrencyPropertyPath('currency');
yield MoneyField('...')->setCurrencyPropertyPath('currencySymbol');
yield MoneyField('...')->setCurrencyPropertyPath('currency.code');
By default, money amounts are displayed formatted with 2 decimal numbers. Use this option if you want to format values with a different number of decimals:
yield MoneyField::new('...')->setNumDecimals(0);
By default, EasyAdmin stores money amounts as cents. For example, "5 euros"
is stored as the integer 500
(5 x 100 cents) and "349.99 yens" is stored as
the integer 34,999
Although it may seem over-complicated at first, this is the most recommended way to store money amounts in the database. Doing this solves all the rounding problems that you'll find when storing money amounts using float or decimal numbers.
In Symfony/PHP applications you can use the Money PHP library to handle the conversion of money amounts from/into cents.
If you do not store money amounts in cents, set this option to false
yield MoneyField::new('...')->setStoredAsCents(false);
When this option is enabled, the divisor
is set at 100
However, if you've defined your own custom divisor with the
setFormTypeOption('divisor', ...)
method, the custom divisor will be used.