RequireJS Support
If your application relies on RequireJS, we recommend you to enable its
support. The bundle will automatically wrap the CKEditor instantiation into
a require
block making the code more reliable.
Configure RequireJS
The first step is to configure RequireJS in order to make it aware of where CKEditor is located. For that, you can use the following snippet:
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paths: {
'ckeditor': '{{ asset("bundles/fosckeditor/ckeditor") }}'
shim: {
'ckeditor': {
deps: ['jQuery'],
exports: 'CKEDITOR'
Enable RequireJS
The second step is to enable RequireJS in the bundle. To do so, you can configure it globally in you configuration:
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# app/config/config.yml
require_js: true
Or you can configure it in your widget:
$builder->add('field', 'ckeditor', ['require_js' => true]);
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Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.