Skin support
Install your Skin
First of all, you need to download and extract your skin in the web directory. For that, you have two possibilities:
- Directly put it in the web directory (
for example). - Put it in the
directory of any of your bundles and install the assets.
Register your Skin
Then, to use your skin, just need to register it globally in your configuration:
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# app/config/config.yml
default_config: my_config
skin: "skin_name,/bundles/mybundle/skins/skin_name/"
Or you can do it in your widget:
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$builder->add('field', 'ckeditor', [
'config' => ['skin' => 'skin_name,/bundles/mybundle/skins/skin_name/'],
The skin path must be an absolute path relative to the `web` directory.
This work, including the code samples, is licensed under a
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.