Dealing with Concurrency with Locks
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Read the updated version of this page for Symfony 7.1 (the current stable version).
Dealing with Concurrency with Locks
When a program runs concurrently, some part of code which modify shared resources should not be accessed by multiple processes at the same time. Symfony's Lock component provides a locking mechanism to ensure that only one process is running the critical section of code at any point of time to prevent race conditions from happening.
The following example shows a typical usage of the lock:
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$lock = $lockFactory->createLock('pdf-creation');
if (!$lock->acquire()) {
// critical section of code
In applications using Symfony Flex, run this command to install the Lock component:
$ composer require symfony/lock
By default, Symfony provides a Semaphore
when available, or a Flock otherwise. You can configure
this behavior by using the lock
key like:
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# config/packages/lock.yaml
lock: ~
lock: 'flock'
lock: 'flock:///path/to/file'
lock: 'semaphore'
lock: 'memcached://m1.docker'
lock: ['memcached://m1.docker', 'memcached://m2.docker']
lock: 'redis://r1.docker'
lock: ['redis://r1.docker', 'redis://r2.docker']
lock: 'zookeeper://z1.docker'
lock: 'zookeeper://z1.docker,z2.docker'
lock: 'sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/lock.db'
lock: 'mysql:host=;dbname=app'
lock: 'pgsql:host=;dbname=app'
lock: 'pgsql+advisory:host=;dbname=app'
lock: 'sqlsrv:server=;Database=app'
lock: 'oci:host=;dbname=app'
lock: 'mongodb://'
lock: '%env(LOCK_DSN)%'
# named locks
invoice: ['semaphore', 'redis://r2.docker']
report: 'semaphore'
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<!-- config/packages/lock.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<!-- named locks -->
<framework:resource name="invoice">semaphore</framework:resource>
<framework:resource name="invoice">redis://r2.docker</framework:resource>
<framework:resource name="report">semaphore</framework:resource>
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// config/packages/lock.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;
return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
->resource('default', ['flock'])
->resource('default', ['flock:///path/to/file'])
->resource('default', ['semaphore'])
->resource('default', ['memcached://m1.docker'])
->resource('default', ['memcached://m1.docker', 'memcached://m2.docker'])
->resource('default', ['redis://r1.docker'])
->resource('default', ['redis://r1.docker', 'redis://r2.docker'])
->resource('default', ['zookeeper://z1.docker'])
->resource('default', ['zookeeper://z1.docker,z2.docker'])
->resource('default', ['sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/lock.db'])
->resource('default', ['mysql:host=;dbname=app'])
->resource('default', ['pgsql:host=;dbname=app'])
->resource('default', ['pgsql+advisory:host=;dbname=app'])
->resource('default', ['sqlsrv:server=;Database=app'])
->resource('default', ['oci:host=;dbname=app'])
->resource('default', ['mongodb://'])
->resource('default', [env('LOCK_DSN')])
// named locks
->resource('invoice', ['semaphore', 'redis://r2.docker'])
->resource('report', ['semaphore'])
Locking a Resource
To lock the default resource, autowire the lock factory using LockFactory:
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// src/Controller/PdfController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory;
class PdfController extends AbstractController
public function downloadPdf(LockFactory $factory, MyPdfGeneratorService $pdf)
$lock = $factory->createLock('pdf-creation');
// heavy computation
$myPdf = $pdf->getOrCreatePdf();
// ...
The same instance of LockInterface
won't block when calling acquire
multiple times inside the same process. When several services use the
same lock, inject the LockFactory
instead to create a separate lock
instance for each service.
Locking a Dynamic Resource
Sometimes the application is able to cut the resource into small pieces in order
to lock a small subset of processes and let others through. The previous example
showed how to lock the $pdf->getOrCreatePdf()
call for everybody,
now let's see how to lock a $pdf->getOrCreatePdf($version)
call only for
processes asking for the same $version
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// src/Controller/PdfController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory;
class PdfController extends AbstractController
public function downloadPdf($version, LockFactory $lockFactory, MyPdfGeneratorService $pdf)
$lock = $lockFactory->createLock('pdf-creation-'.$version);
// heavy computation
$myPdf = $pdf->getOrCreatePdf($version);
// ...
Naming Locks
If the application needs different kind of Stores alongside each other, Symfony provides named lock:
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# config/packages/lock.yaml
invoice: ['semaphore', 'redis://r2.docker']
report: 'semaphore'
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<!-- config/packages/lock.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<framework:resource name="invoice">semaphore</framework:resource>
<framework:resource name="invoice">redis://r2.docker</framework:resource>
<framework:resource name="report">semaphore</framework:resource>
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// config/packages/lock.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;
return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
->resource('invoice', ['semaphore', 'redis://r2.docker'])
->resource('report', ['semaphore']);
An autowiring alias is created for each named lock with a name using the camel
case version of its name suffixed by LockFactory
For instance, the invoice
lock can be injected by naming the argument
and type-hinting it with
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// src/Controller/PdfController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory;
class PdfController extends AbstractController
public function downloadPdf(LockFactory $invoiceLockFactory, MyPdfGeneratorService $pdf)
// ...