EasyAdmin Percent Field
This field is used to represent the value of properties that store percentages.
In form pages (edit and new) it looks like this:

Basic Information
- PHP Class:
\Bundle \EasyAdminBundle \Field \PercentField - Doctrine DBAL Type used to store this value:
- Symfony Form Type used to render the field: PercentType
Rendered as:
<input type="text">
By default, percentages are displayed "as is" without adding or removing any decimals to it. Use this option if you want to format values with a certain number of decimals:
1 2
// this would format 3 as 3.00 and 5.123 as 5.12
yield PercentField::new('...')->setNumDecimals(2);
By default, when some value must be rounded to reduce the number of decimals,
the field uses PHP \NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFUP
strategy. Use this option
to change the rounding strategy and pass as its arguments any of the ROUND_*
constants of PHP NumberFormatter class:
yield PercentField::new('...')->setRoundingMode(\NumberFormatter::ROUND_CEILING);
By default, percentages are stored as fractional values from 0
to 1
(e.g. 15% is stored as 0.15
and 67.84% is stored as 0.6784
). If you
prefer to store percentages as integer values from 0
to 100
, set this
option to false
// if your percentages can have decimals, you must store them as fractional values yield PercentField::new('...')->setStoredAsFractional(false);
Regardless of how you store these values, EasyAdmin always display percentages
as values from 0
to 100
(e.g. even if you store 15% as 0.15
in the
database, forms and listings will always display 15%
By default, values display a %
next to them to make them easier to understand.
Use this option and pass false
to not display any symbol or pass any other
string to use that as the symbol:
1 2 3 4 5
// this won't display any symbol
yield PercentField::new('...')->setSymbol(false);
// this will display the "per mille" (per thousand) symbol next to values
yield PercentField::new('...')->setSymbol('‰');