Symfony is living its best moment ever and this week is a good proof of it. The week started with the launch of the stable version of symfony 1.2. Simultaneously, symfony unveiled Jobeet, a comprehensive tutorial describing how to create a complete application with symfony 1.2. A new one-hour tutorial will be published daily from December 1st until December 24th.
Meanwhile, symfony published a complete book about using Doctrine with symfony framework. Lastly, blogosphere response to symfony 1.2 launch and Jobeet tutorial has been awesome, with hundreds of posts published all around the world.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about PHP_CodeSniffer standard and what happened to trunk?
Development highlights
- Milestone 1.2.0 completed
- r13572: 1.2] fixed request format does not always set layout false for non-html content
- r13578: [1.2] applied performance patch from Wicket, reducing options_for_select time greatly
- r13579: [1.2] applied performance patch from Wicket, reducing select_currency, select_language and select_country tag time greatly
- r13588: [1.2] fixed bad path in generated vhost.sample
- r13592: [1.2] fixed propel:generate-admin task help message
- r13596: [1.2] fixed package template
- r13634: [1.1, 1.2] fixed a warning when installing a plugin with a non-valid version
- r13645: [1.2] [sfPropelPlugin] fixed formatting of phing notice
- r13652: [1.2] fixed fields in admin generator cannot be real
- r13653: [1.2] fixed inserting of virtual columns for stacked layouts
- r13691: [1.2] fixed fluent return value in sfTester::__call()
- r13696, r13697, r13699: [1.1, 1.2] fixed typos in functional test php error handling
- r13723: [1.2] [sfPropelPlugin] made queries in the propel debug toolbar copy-and-pasteable
- r13726: [1.2] added missing check for PDO
- r13759: [1.2] fixed strict standards notice
- r13811: [1.2] suppressing warning popping up in dev env
- Updated dwhittle branch: updated core plugin svn:externals
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 253 changesets, 64 defects created, 16 defects closed, 17 enhancements created, 5 enhancements closed, 26 documentation defects created, 26 documentation defects closed and 23 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Updated What's New in symfony 1.2 tutorial
- Published chaper 1, chaper 2, chaper 3, chaper 4, chaper 5, chaper 6 and chaper 7 of Jobeet tutorial
- Published chinese, deutsch, spanish, french, italian and japanese translations of Jobeet tutorials
- Published japanese translation of error_templates cookbook, deutsch translation of finder cookbook, deutsch translation of directory_structure cookbook
- Updated My First symfony 1.2 Project
- Uploaded ZIP archive with the UML Class Diagrams for all symfony classes and ZIP archive of Ant files for running symfony.bat from eclipse
- Updated How to "simply" use multiple SF Projects on one local machine MyWay page
- New Job Postings:
- Symfony Developer @ elJARDI - Contact: sunflower [at] eljardi [dot] tv
- New symfony blogger:
- New plugins
- sfWebServerPlugin: aims to be a more easy way to have symfony live without lighttpd and apache configs, just install symfony and symfony web server.
- sfValidatorHtmlPlugin: provides validation of sting with embedded HTML code
- pmPropelObjectLogBehaviorPlugin: a plugin that handles object changes.
- sfFirebugPlugin: provides functions to ease the integration of firebug in symfony
- sfPhpDocPlugin: provides you with a task to generate your sourcecode documentation via PHPDoc
- sfViewableModelPlugin: links symfony's view cache to your model and automatically removes cached templates when model objects used to build them are modified
- sfGoogleCheckoutPlugin: integrates Google checkout payments system.
- sfPaypalPlugin: rework and update of the existing sfPayPalDirectPlugin, to work with Symfony 1.1 and Symfony 1.2, and also adds new features
- limexPlugin: xUnit style adaptor for Lime
- sfApplyPlugin: allows users of a site protected by sfGuardPlugin to create new accounts, verifying them by email.
- Updated plugins
- omCrossAppUrlPlugin: 1.0.0 version released
- sfEasyDebugPlugin: added some comments, added ezDbg::dump_backtrace()
- sfSimpleBlogPlugin: created branches for symfony comptaibility, 1.1 version released (compatible with sf 1.1 and 1.2), removed 1.2 branch since the 1.1 branch is compatible with both sf 1.1 and sf 1.2
- sfDynamicCMSPlugin: fixed a bug in packaged sfPropelActAsNestedSetBehaviorPlugin for propel13, fixed a SF 1.2 compatibity bug, disabled node index activated by default for sfDynamicCMSAdmin, updated README, added an exception if no version is found, improved web-design (css and js)
- DbFinderPlugin: slight refactoring, 1.1 version released, fixed an issue with filters on boolean fields in admin generator
- ckWebServicePlugin: fixed use of empty() function, updated custom implode() for older PHP versions, updated format of log entries, changed exception handling (SoapFaults are directly rethrown), fixed bug in ckXsdArrayType::create() so array of array types have the proper name, implemented functional tests, disabled soap persistence causing error on mutlitple requests, fixed issue with soap persistence, added result adapter and exception tests, added soap header tests, fixed forward() bug, fixed bug in generated SoapHandlers, added tests for the examples in the README
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: fixed rename folder allows blank name, moved and enhanced logic for sfAsset type options_for_select in _edit_form template, remove blind rename of uploadeded duplicate file
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: removed obsolete execute*AjaxJs methods, removed obosolete executeEdit and renamed executeAjaxEdit to executeEdit, added ability to set sortField to null for foreign table combos referencing a custom getter method, removed obsolete multisort in processSort, fixed typos in action method names, fixed insert and print actions to not cause errors, fixed sfConfig reference to extjs2 dbfinder
- sfEzcWorkflowPlugin: added toString() method
- ysfYUIPlugin: [alistair.stead branch] re-factored the dependencies to allow the use of simpleeditor and editor, re-structured editor and added simpleeditor, added a proposed fix to add the events after the javascript includes to ensure that the Yahoo object is not referenced before it is available, modified yui_link_to_confirm_dialog to use the url defined in the link to build the positive handler callback, added example configuration that will use the Yahoo CDN to deliver the JS files, initial commit of an additional debug panel for the plugin, [1.2 branch] update ojay to 0.3.1, removed stock icons
- swToolboxPlugin: fixed swDoctrineDatagrid::getQueryString return the datagrid query string for the current request, added swWidgetFormJQueryMultiAutocompleter, added missing proxy methods
- sfGuardExtraPlugin: copied 1.1 to 1.2 branch, fixed routing
- sfMinifyPlugin: copied branch 1.1 to 1.2, changed deprecated warning
- dkGeshiPlugin: little tweak to make it smoothly symfony 1.x compatible
- sfDoctrineSettingsPlugin: making the generator file look at a app.yml setting to decide whether to have the values editable on the list page or the edit page
- jsThumbnailPlugin: 1.1.0 version released
- sfDateTime2Plugin: added static ::from_*() functions to convert string to sfDate object, updated documentation, fixed minor bugs and updated documentation for ::diff(,$unit), added alias for s2h, s2d and all
- sfAdvancedAdminGeneratorPlugin: added select_from_parents feature, bugfix in the helper, added empty_value in list view, added labels for the select_from_parents table, fixed select_from_parents now works with 2 parents, stylesheet added for default and tabbed themes
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: made all failing unit-tests green, fixed relation in schema, beautified schema, removed schema.xml, updated schema: don't export constraints to database for tagging (this is necessary because multiple models can join Tagging->taggable_id), fixed missing "from" part in tags removal
- sfDB4toPropelPlugin: created branches and tags, first commit for new 1.2 branch, fixed task for sf 1.2, pear package release (1.0.2) for symfony 1.2.x
- sfFormButtonsPlugin: reorganized repository
- sfGuardPlugin: changed all task to take an application option instead of an argument
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: added autoload-again to skeleton unit test bootstrap script, copied generate:controller task from sfGenerateControllerTaskPlugin, removed unnecessary logic
- sfSmartyPlugin: updated for Symfony 1.2, updated pear package info, updated Smarty to call loadHelpers and getHelperDirs from the project configuration and not the deprecated sfLoader
They talked about us
- Se publica la versión final de Symfony 1.2
- Symfony 1.2 Released
- Symfony framework → Symfony 1.2
- Symfony 1.2 mit REST-basiertem Routing und Doctrine-Integration veröffentlicht
- All new Symfony at ServerGrove
- symfony 1.2 est disponible
- New daily Symfony tutorial
- Meet Joe Beet
- Symfony 1.2 released!
- December 1st - What a day!
- Using embedFormForEach in Symfony
- Symfony 1.2 Released Alongside a New Advent Calendar Tutorial
- Symfony的新文档Jobeet Tutorial
- Aggiornare a symfony 1.2
- Jobeet: The symfony 1.2 advent calendar
- Jobeet, el nuevo tutorial de Symfony 1.2
- Symfony + Doctrine Book Now Available
- Symfony framework → Старт нового туториала «The Jobeet»
- Buzz around 1.2 and how far is 1.3 ?
- Jobeet, un projet symfony 1.2 pour Noël!!
- User friendly exception handling with symfony
- Vidéo HR (part #1) Présentation symfony à Montpellier
- Publicado Symfony 1.2
- Symfony Adventskalender
- Jobeet: An alternative tutorial for Day 3
- Work on second edition of german symfony book started
- Symfony 1.2 released
- Symfony - Datum-Bereich anpassen
- Live from Textmate
- 2 versions of symfony from scratch
- Jobeet: The new symfony advent calendar
- 複数ã®symfony(ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³é•ã„)ã‚’å…±å˜ã•ã›ã‚‹
- symfony Forms in Action(1.1)ã®æ ¡æ£ã‚’ãŠæ‰‹ä¼ã„ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™
- php 5.2.7 y symfony 1.2 released
- JOBEETãƒãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒªã‚¢ãƒ«ã«æŒ‘戦 2日目
- Geschenke von der Symfony-Community
- Installing symfony - setting up the virtual host 2
- Handling URL’s with dots in Symfony
- Symfony1.2デDoctrineノUniqueCheck
- Symfony 1.2
- How to create a batch process with Symfony
- symfony 1.2: It's not just about code
- Ðовый учебник: Jobeet
- Symfony 1.2 вышел
- symfony 1.2 e l’advent calendar del 2008
- omCrossAppUrlPlugin (liens inter applications dans Symfony) est disponible sur le repository de Symfony
- ОÑновы организации древовидных Ñтруктур в базах данных (Nested Sets)
- Configurar lighttpd para albergar un proyecto con symfony
- Symfony 1.2 e il nuovo tutorial day-by-day
- symfony usar o object_select_tag para retornar os valores ordenados
- Symfony 1.2.0
- Learn Symfony 1.2 in 24 days
- Jobeet le tutorial de l’avent pour Symfony 1.2
- Power of Symfony
- Symfony 1.2, les nouveautés
- symfony 1.2, Jobeet et Doctrine
That's good. You guys are doing an excellent job and I am very proud of having this site as my browser's home page. Symfony is quality at all senses. Sorry for my English but you guys rock!