A new year means new symfony versions and therefore, this week symfony core developers started committing changesets to 1.3 branch. In addition, the winner of the Jobeet design contest was announced and symfony 1.2.2 was released.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about symfony 1.2 admin generator partial feeds and sfForm vs Factories.yml
Development highlights
- r14468, r14469: [1.0, 1.1] backported fix from #2240 to 1.0 and 1.1 after having it tested in 1.2 version
- r14481: [1.1] fixed autoloading for PHP 5.1.2
- r14483, r14484: [1.1, 1.2] fixed unfinished ob_start in sfValidatorFile
- r14485: [1.2] fixed form and view_cache tester are not overridable
- r14486: [1.2] fixed sfTesterUser inability to test attribute for namespaces
- r14507: [1.2] fixed uppercase POST/GET are not XHTML valid
- r14511: [1.2] fixed generate:app and escaping-strategy
- r14515: [1.2] silenced possible warning
- r14516: [1.2] fixed multiple selector chaining in sfDomCssSelector.class
- r14518: [1.2] added cast of generate:app escaping strategy to boolean
- r14523: [1.2] publish-assets now canonicalizes pathes before creating the links, thus allowing "\.." and "\."
- r14561: [1.3] Created symfony 1.3 doc branch from symfony 1.2.2
- Milestone 1.2.2 completed
- r14591: [1.3] implemented ArrayAccess interface for sfUser attributes
- r14592: [1.3] implemented ArrayAccess interface for sfRequest parameters
- r14593: [1.3] added accessor for request content
- r14594: [1.3] added accessor for request options + added to web debug bar
- r14596: [1.3] made web asset (js, css, image) paths customizable
- r14599: [1.3] tweaked cache reload url in web debug bar (to maintain environment)
- r14600: [1.3] added accessor for logger options + set dispatcher
- r14601: [1.3] added php error handling when using web debug logger (partially reverted)
- r14602: [1.3] added better logging for sfBasicSecurityFilter
- r14619: [1.3] added upgrade structure for 1.3
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r14466: [1.2] fixed issue with sfDoctrineFormFilter::processValues
- r14470: [1.2] corrected fix for resetting filters
- r14472: [1.2] fixed issue where i18n doesn't fall back to default culture
- r14498: [1.2] adding coverage for ticket
- r14499: [1.2] form filters now perform a stricter check
- r14500: [1.2] fixed issue where filter functions for fields are not camelized
- r14501: [1.2] fixed sfDoctrineRoute to return object instead of null
- r14510: [1.2] fixed lingering uppercase method attribute
- r14512: [1.2] admin generator resets default filter values correctly
- r14550: [1.2] fixed error when uploading files for embedded forms
- r14597: [1.3] fixed ability to disable admin generator css by setting false
- sfPropelPlugin:
- r14470: [1.2] corrected fix for resetting filters
- r14480: [1.2] updated bg translations of the admin generator
- r14499: [1.2] form filters now perform a stricter check
- r14509: [1.2] fixed the way propel handles batch deletions to notify deletion behaviours
- r14512: [1.2] admin generator resets default filter values correctly
- r14597: [1.3] fixed ability to disable admin generator css by setting false
- Updated dwhittle branch
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 170 changesets, 39 defects created, 54 defects closed, 6 enhancements created, 14 enhancements closed, 20 documentation defects created, 31 documentation defects closed and 23 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Updated How to use FCK editor page
- Published spanish, italian and vietnamese translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Published some vietnamese translations of cookbook tutorials: Quản lý giỠhà ng với plugin sfShoppingCart, Thay đổi cấu trúc thư mục mặc định and Dùng Doctrine để lấy dữ liệu
- New Job Postings:
- Symfony Developer for various plugins and projects - freelance, based in Berlin or Leipzig, Germany - Contact: info [at] mahono [dot] com
- Symfony Developer @ Cortica - half or full-time based in MATAM, Haifa (Israel) - Contact: koby [at] cortica [dot] com
- New developers for hire:
- Boxlight Media Ltd: London based new media agency specializing in enterprise web application development and e-mail marketing strategies who are actively using symfony as their preferred and recommended application development framework.
- New symfony blogger:
- New plugins
- sfTidyPlugin: provides automated code repair (ex. users input from TinyMCE or FCKEditor) and produces valid XHTML or XML code. Plugin requires PHP Tidy extension.
- sfMicroBlogPlugin: provides a tool box to manipulate microbloging sites. Currently twitter, ping.fm, identi.ca or any other laconi.ca are supported.
- sfCookieSessionStoragePlugin: session data is directly stored in an encrypted cookie on the client side (no persistent session on the server side).
- sfScriptaculousPlugin: additional JavaScript helpers formely found in JavaScriptHelper.php
- sfSocialPlugin: adds social network features for your users: contacts, messages, status, etc.
- sfWebRPCPlugin: allows ultra easy creation of RPC servers with symfony
- Updated plugins
- sfDatagridPlugin: fix the exception when the date filter value cannot be converted
- DbFinderPlugin: fixed wrong exception text
- sfSmartyPlugin: updated require_once to work with PEAR installed Symfony or Symfony installed as an external, updated to allow Smarty from PEAR installations
- i18nTranslatePlugin: initial import
- sfDoctrineUserPlugin: added a branch for 1.2
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: added in ability to set actions
- sfPhpDocPlugin: changed base class of sfGeneratePhpDocTask to sfBaseTask
- sfImageTransformPlugin: fixed role attribute in package.xml
- sfOpmlPlugin: fixed sfOpml::fromArray()
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: various additional fixes for symfony 1.2 upgrade
- tsTitlePlugin: added support for cache, fixed tsTitleTest
- ckWebServicePlugin: updated README, created branch for sf1.1 version, added folder for 1.2 branch,
- swToolboxPlugin: updated sendMail method
- ysfYUIPlugin: changed calls to sfLoader::loadHelpers() to sfApplicationConfiguration::loadHelpers()
- dwSwfChartPlugin: fixed issue with relative url root
- sfDoctrineAdminGeneratorWithShowPlugin: update from official theme
- sfEasyDebugPlugin: modification to allow to work when stack is not complete
- sfFormExtraPlugin: fixed Autocomplete getStyleSheets() returns incorrect files, updated sfFormExtraPlugin package.xml
Some new symfony powered websites
- TrustedReviews: UK's premier source of technology news and reviews
- Kann nicht Auto fahren: (german) complain about bad car drivers and emberass them by adding photos and videos
- ListasEmCaixas: (portuguese) social list making application
They talked about us
- Functional Testing a Secured Module
- How to Embed Forms in Symfony 1.2 Admin Generator Part 2
- Formation symfony 1.2 + Doctrine le 21 janvier 2009
- Offline Version of Symfony 1.2 Book + Jobeet Tutorial
- Tutorial Jobeet completo e in Italiano
- Come trovare l’ultima query eseguita da propel
- Using doctrine with symfony 1.2 (2/4) - inheritance
- Symfony 1.2.2 available at ServerGrove
- Se publica Symfony 1.2.2
- Add reCaptcha widgets to symfony forms
- Invoicr (former CS-4U), what's new?
- Twitto - A web framework in a twit
- Jobeet se convertirá en un libro
- Twitto: PHP Framework in 140 Zeichen
- Twitto, el framework PHP más pequeño
- German Symfony trainings
- Zend Framework o Symfony
- Choosing a PHP framework to work with
- Symfony: Paginacja przy własnych/nietypowych warunkach SQL
- More: Synchronization using phing
- The bittersweet rewrite
- Symfony 1.2 sous Ubuntu
- Astuce symfony : changer le chemin du cookie de session de symfony
- 404ページをカスタマイズã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã®æ³¨æ„
- アクションã‚ャッシュを使用ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã«ãƒ†ãƒ³ãƒ—レートã§ã¯ãªãアクションã‹ã‚‰ç›´æŽ¥å‡ºåŠ›ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã‚ャッシュã•ã‚Œãšã«ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ãŒçœŸã£ç™½ã«
- Web framework
- ç°¡å˜ã«symfonyをインストールã™ã‚‹ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—ト
- Optymalizacje: sfPropelPager::getResults()
- [symfony] javascript/cssã®ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰
I'm curious what changes are in store for the 1.3 branch. Are there new features or will it be more of a service and polish release? Could we get a post on the 1.3 branch?
Hi. From time to time i'm writing quite interesting posts about Symfony on my blog. I would like to ask you what i have to do to put for example my latest post about symfony on"They talked about as" ? Via RSS? Trackback? Something else? Thank you
Kamil, if you want your posts linked from "They talked about us" section, please add your blog in the following wiki page: