Symfony developers announced this week that another top 100 website is powered by symfony. Adding up the four biggest symfony applications, more than 220 million people enjoy symfony powered websites.

Another signs of symfony growth are the increasing number of symfony developers available for hire and the great amount of symfony related posts published every week in the blogosphere.

Development mailing list

Development highlights

  • r15510: [1.2, 1.3] enhanced check_configuration.php messages
  • r15511: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfFileCache::clean() method
  • r15537: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed bug in lime when php executable path on windows contains spaces
  • Milestone 1.1.7 completed
  • r15542, r15544: [1.2, 1.3] fixed doctrine support in sfDatabaseSessionStorage
  • r15547: [1.3] fixed log message when credential is array
  • r15552, r15553: [1.2, 1.3] fixed session_write_close is not called form sfSessionStorage
  • r15619: [1.2, 1.3] fixed quote problem in admin generator
  • r15624: [1.3] moved view/escaper/ directory to its own escaper/ directory
  • r15647: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] Added missing documentation for sfValidatorFile option validated_file_class
  • r15653: [1.2, 1.3] fixed passing of flag config to sfModelGeneratorConfigurationField
  • sfDoctrinePlugin:
    • r15622, r15623: [1.2, 1.3] fixed single quote problem in generated classes in the admin generator
  • sfPropelPlugin:
    • r15622, r15623: [1.2, 1.3] fixed single quote problem in generated classes in the admin generator
    • r15627: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfValidatorPropelChoice(Many) overrides some Criteria
  • ...and many other changes

Development digest: 206 changesets, 44 defects created, 21 defects closed, 4 enhancements created, 1 enhancement closed, 4 documentation defects created and 11 documentation edits.

Book and documentation


  • New Job Postings:
  • New developers for hire:
    • SQL-Technologies: is a company based in Douai, France. We are using symfony successfully since its 0.6.0 version, that's more than 2 years. We worked on more than 20 projects. We are available for new projects (french / english). We can work remotely or directly in your offices.
    • Reaktiiv: is evolutional web development company in Estonia, Europe. We are building custom web applications based on Symfony.
    • Actualys: digital communication agency based in Paris. Our strong knowledge of PHP and Symfony allow us to provide to our clients the best solution on Web intregation (Consulting, Media, SEO, Marketing).
    • Miguel Trias: 6+ years developing websites, scaling systems, leading teams, empowering projects, embracing change, learning stuff!. Really waiting your great projects to work in. Anxious to learn more and to work with cool people. Available to travel or working freelance. Feel free to contact me.


  • New plugins
  • Updated plugins
    • sfSphinxPlugin: clarified connection error message, improved README
    • sfXSLTViewPlugin: better sheeps/sheep or sheeps/sheeps handling. User callable node name processing, better debug, components fix, added xslt.yml config files ability, removed trailing slash, create base plugin class for sfArray2XML, move hardcoded parameter/var setting in sfXSLTView.class over to extended setArray method of sfArray2XML, fixed config handler bug
    • sfPhpExcelPlugin: updated examples for symfony version 1.2, added new examples
    • sfGridPlugin: added haveToPaginate next to hasToPaginate, added second Criteria object for Count to Propel-adapter, replaced makeUri method with url_for helper from symfony, removed requirement of url parameters to store grid settings (store them in user session), updated unit tests, fixed issues found with unit tests, added unit test for DataSourcePropel, start of implementing nice syntax for parsing object and propertypaths to make the DataSourcePropel capable of hydrating objects
    • sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fix js config rendering for range and date widgets, implement isSuperAdmin check to display or not menu entry
    • sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: added methods to PluginTagTable (getAllTagsTriple and findByTriple)
    • sfSocialPlugin: minor bugs fixed, implemented a nice ajax enhancement to message composition
    • sfDynamicsPlugin: merged latest git repository changes, re-added listener for task.cache.clear event to remove sfDYnamics assets supercache, added some PHP-doc, added a simple config.php to be compatible with symfony 1.1, tuned cache to be disabled if sf_debug == true
    • pmJSCookMenuPlugin: bugix in helper
    • sfExtjsThemePlugin: moved page and limit setting for pager further down so they can be easily overidden, commented out non-working il8n handling of date fields in processFilters, added strtotime for datefields in applyFilters, fixed sorting on foreign key columns, fixed filter adding and removing to gridpanel baseparams
    • sfJobQueuePlugin: allowed sfJob edition with no params jobHandler
    • sfDatagridPlugin: complex layout add option edit.layout in generator.yml
    • sfLucenePlugin: updated PHP doc
    • swToolboxPlugin: updated ajax method, updated the dynamic form feature to handle nested form, refactored the code to be more flexible in the future
    • symfonyUnderControlPlugin: initial implementation of code coverage (fetches data, parses it and writes to an XML file), refactored the API of tests and output for use with code coverage integration
    • sfDoctrineUserPlugin: updated the comment styles in the fixture files, fixed a type validation error with fixture data in sfUserState, added an EmailAddressType to the EmailAddress, updated the Object forms to remove the following fields in configure: created_at, create_by_user_id, updated_at, updated_at_user_id, updated the Object forms to have the correct labels for object_type_id and state_id, added an EmailAddressType to the EmailAddress object, added a sfRouting class for the admin-generated modules, added a Simple Registration Form to be extended, updated the configure functions of the ObjectForms to remove the updated_at, created_at, update_by_user_id, created_by_user_id, and rank fields, added two extra widget classes to go with SimpleRegistrationForm, updated the country admin module to use the new 1.2 admin generator format and files, added two form classes to be used with the plugin (SimpleUser and SimpleRegistration), added a special decorator for nested list forms, updated the rest of the modules to use the new admin-generation system, added an admin module for sfUserEmailAddressType which is new to the sfDoctrineUserPlugin 1.2 API
    • sfDoctrineSettingsPlugin: added a blank configure method to this to try and correct the generating of form classes in the wrong place, trying to fix the plugin to stop generating an extra set of forms and filters in the wrong directory, updated the plugin to be able to use different edit forms for different types of settings, added a custom forms for the different setting types currently in the system, updated README
    • pmAjaxLoadPlugin: added new feature: ajax unload, handles unload events and displays the ajax loader
    • sfImageTransformPlugin: cloning adapter objects when copying the sfImage class to take all the object's properties, general code tidying, changed is_integer to is_numeric when checking input types, added support for GD MIME detection using GetImageSize
    • sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: added jQuery 1.3.1 (needed for latest ui.sortable), implemented jq_sortable_element, fixed bugs in sf_jquery_web_dir, fixed jq_add_plugin so that ui.sortable can be successfully added

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Published in #A week of symfony