Symfony 1.3 development got a boost this week with the removal of three configuration options and tweaks to the autoloading mechanism. All the symfony books were updated with fixes, specially the Jobeet tutorial. In addition, symfony 1.0.20 was released this week.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about symfony textmate bundle, dependency injection in symfony 2 and n:m relationships with sfFormDoctrine
Development highlights
- r16165: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] added some missing PHPDoc
- r16166: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfYaml::load wrong parsing with \r\n
- r16167: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] added some tests to sfYAML
- r16169: [1.2, 1.3] fixed Web debug bar, css style is not inline under windows
- r16171: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed command.filter_options doesn't filter anything
- r16172: [1.2, 1.3] fixed cannot check all checkbox in Admin generator (IE)
- r16177: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfYaml::dump dumps doesn't quote strings containing #
- r16187: [1.3] deprecated sfToolkit::getTmpDir() in favor of the PHP built-in sys_get_temp_dir() function
- r16188: [lime] created lime release 1.0.5
- r16196: [1.3] removed the check_symfony_version setting
- r16197: [1.3] removed the max_forwards setting
- r16201: [1.3] removed the strip_comments setting
- Milestone 1.0.20 completed
- r16254: [1.3] removed the vendor/ subdir from autoloading
- r16256: [1.2, 1.3] updated prototype and scriptaculous libraries to their latest dot releases
- r16257, r16258: [1.2, 1.3] fixed typo in admin gen french translations
- r16259: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] added more information to sfWidgetFormDate PHPDoc API
- r16260: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed ->getLinks() produces error message when result set is empty
- r16269, r16270, r16271: [1.1, 1.2] fixed lime path
- r16274: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed form submissions when posted data exceeds post_max_size
- sfPropelPlugin:
- r16164: [1.2, 1.3] fixed typo in batchAction.php
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 210 changesets, 38 defects created, 33 defects closed, 6 enhancements created, 7 enhancements closed, 8 documentation defects created, 44 documentation defects closed and 50 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Created CMS plugins page
- Updated Symfony IRC Channels and Right to left pages
- Updated french, italian and arabic translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated chapter 3 (fixed typo, enhanced mysqladmin usage, added a note about passing password on the CLI), chapter 5 (added a note about adding the opening php tag in new PHP files), chapter 10 (missed Doctrine difference, fixed typo), chapter 11 (fixed typo), chapter 16 (fixed typo), chapter 17 (fixed typo) and chapter 20 (fixed typo) of Jobeet tutorial.
- Updated What's New in symfony 1.2 page (added a note about i18n GUI tools)
- Updated Appendix B - Validators of symfony forms book (added the new post_max_size error message)
- New plugins
- yamlCssPlugin: wraps the YAML CSS Framework for use in symfony.
- spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin: new version of spyFormBuilderInterfacePlugin all rewritable with widgets and validator.
- sfSimpleGoogleSitemapPlugin: adds ability to generate Google sitemap. Auto detects if DbFinder is installed and use it or use Propel.
- sfZnForumPlugin: integrates a simple forum with symfony.
- obsArtichowPlugin: encapsulates the Artichow library for PHP5, version 1.1.0 ( Integrates into Symfony's config and caching system.
- sfSecondLifePropertyManagerPlugin: a very simple application that will allow you to easily manage the properties you rent in Second Life. It will send out e-mails to remind you rent is due 3 days before rent is due.
- Updated plugins
- sfGridPlugin: fixed bug in translatePropertyPathToAliasedColumn, updated unit tests, added functionality to grid to allow to highlight rows in a table on a certain condition, start implementation of filtering arrays, implemented and fixed lazy-pager, fixed pager issues, added option to define cssClasses for td/th with Widgets and Grid, fixed all unit-tests, fixed issue with unit-test in sqlite and instance pooling (created own instance pooling), split filter to simplify specialisation of sfDataSourcePropel, bugfixes related with sfDataSourcePropel and pure criteria objects
- isicsBreadcrumbsPlugin: removed I18N helper
- sfMinifyPlugin: fixed sfMinifyPlugin.php change function useServerCache to setCache
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: added missing updateModuleListFromRequest method (gripanel edits now working), added obsolete sendAjaxResponse method back until it can be completely removed, added back support for edit.title in the generator to edit panels, automatically enabled lazyloading module, updated css paths in js files
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: disabled date picker
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin: decoupled remember me and security filter, merged changes to signin redirect logic from sfGuardPlugin
- pkContextCMSPlugin: added play button, tabs are now safe to display in the non-CMS layout.php, fixes for standalone operation compatibility, on/off vs. archived/unarchived, published/unpublished removed, documentation of on/off stuff including how to change the default, fixed pkMedia slideshow style, updated README, added logo, updated default layout and templates, modifications for custom PHP locations, loading of progressive enhancement no longer forced, fixes default routing rule issues moves invasive routing rules to cmstest project, implemented better routing rules to make it easier to make the CMS the catch-all fallback target of URLs while still allowing the use of simple default rules as well
- pkToolkitPlugin: added package template, fixed simplify method to not add a doctype
- sfDynamicsPlugin: tuning of jquery 1.3.2 packageset, updated jQuery1.3.2 and jQuery.ui 1.7, updated jquery-extra packageset
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: added symfony 1.2 compatibility, updated tests, fixed old flash syntax
- sfEzcWorkflowPlugin: fixed path to Propel class, fixed typo in the demo module, fixed include path in a unit test
- pmAjaxLoadPlugin: fixed prototype wasn't loaded, fixed javascript_tag was used without use_helper statement
- sfAdvancedAdminGeneratorPlugin: fixed stylesheets
- sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: jQuery 1.2.6 removed, 'with' patch added
- sfImageTransformPlugin: tidying up getImageSpecificQuality method
- sfGuardPlugin: fixed typo in README
- sfEasyAntispamPlugin: first steps of refactoring
- sfEasySyntaxHighlighterPlugin: added widget and validator for programming language choices
- swToolboxPlugin: add direct method static call to send email, updated CSS, fix issue with linkCallback method
- sfJqueryWidgetsPlugin: added first version of sfWidgetFormJQueryColorPicker
- pkToolkitPlugin: added pkHtml::getImages, progressive enhancement library now includes pkSelectToList(), an empty string no longer generates a PHP warning when you try to clean up its HTML with pkHtml::simplify(), tag browser adjustments, updated docs
- sfXSLTViewPlugin: making checking for classes not use Autoloader (this breaks if you have Zend installed)
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: fixed setting of subversion ignore property on nested doctrine packages
- DbFinderPlugin: added support for aliases in sfPropelFinder::join() (added a gazillon tests for Propel joins, added support for self-referenced foreign keys and multiple foreign keys to the same table in sfPropelFinder::join(), refactored relations discovery and storage), added support for aliases in sfPropelFinder::with() (and another gazillion tests), added support for aliases in sfPropelFinder::withColumn(), improved performance when using sfPropelFinder::with() and sfPropelFinder::withI18n()
- sfFormExtraPlugin: fixed typo in the JQueryDate format, added sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceGrouped, added missing file entries to package.xml, move changelogs into forthcoming 1.0.11 release
- pkPersistentFileUploadPlugin: variable height previews
- pkImageConverterPlugin: added rounding to prevent errors when floating point numbers are passed
- sfDoctrineUserPlugin: fixed unit test, changed the fields which are displayed in the list view
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: removed the loadHelper call to ensure 1.2 compatibility, released 1.0 version with unit tests, sf1.2 compatible, and new functions concerning bounds (smallest bound, homothety, zoomOut) and coordinates (pixel to lat/lng, lat/lng to pix)
- sfSimpleBlogPlugin: made the need for Propel behaviors explicit in documentation
Some new symfony powered websites
- TravelFriends: (polish/english) find your travel Friend
They talked about us
- ÐŸÑ€ÐµÐ·ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Symfony 2
- script svn para proyectos symfony cuandos usas eclipse
- Symfony 2.0 Presentation
- Symfony & Jobeet en Live
- How to render a component in an action with symfony 1.1+
- Symfony 2.0 al phpDay
- Symfony Google Maps API plugin : sfEasyGMapPlugin v1.0 is out !
- group by
- Che workshop vuoi al phpday 2009?
- How can i build dynamic urls with Symfony?
- Se publica Symfony 1.0.20
- How can i use Zend Framework components in my Symfony project?
- How can i add some values after form submit?
- How can i get a email from Symfony when a log message is prune?
- How create a feed for my Symfony project in three steps?
- How can i unit test my own User class functions?
- Jobeet - 13日目: ユーザ
- [symfony] POSTã‚„GETã§æ¸¡ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’アクションã§å–å¾—ã™ã‚‹æ–¹æ³•
- [symfony]フォームヘルパã§ã€Fatal error: Call to undefined function form_tag() in ~ã®ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ãŒã§ã‚‹ã€‚
- How to add a user id after form is submitted in Symfony
- The Beauty Of Symfony!
- Symfony - cssTabsPlugin and security
- オブジェクトã®ã‚·ãƒªã‚¢ãƒ«åŒ–ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¢
- symfony404エラーページã®è¡¨ç¤ºã®å¤‰æ›´ã€‚
- モãƒã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ ã‚’é€ä¿¡ã™ã‚‹éš›ã«symfonyã§ã‚¨ã‚¹ã‚±ãƒ¼ãƒ—ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã®æ–‡å—化ã‘
- Symfonyã®ãƒªãƒƒãƒãƒ†ã‚ストエディタã®ä½¿ã„æ–¹
- FuturologÃa: Symfony 2.0
- [symfony]テンプレå´ã§å‹•çš„ã«ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒˆãƒ«ã‚’セットã™ã‚‹
- How about sfAskeetPlugin!
- [symfony]moduleåã€actionåを得る方法
- Jobeet - 12日目: アドミンジェãƒãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚¿
- Ezweb(au)ã§ãƒ¢ãƒã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ ã‚’é€ä¿¡ã™ã‚‹éš›ã«æ–‡å—化ã‘ã™ã‚‹ä»¶
- In Symfony, a timestamp is a MySql datetime
- Instalar Symfony en Ubuntu/Linux
- Symfony: теги
- [symfony] symfony doctrine:build-db ã®åœ°å‘³ãªæ³¨æ„äº‹é …
- Cazadores de mitos: Symfony
- biznetwork symfony framework
- FCK editor dans l’admin generator (symfony 1.2, doctrine)
- multiple TinyMCE editors with sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE
- Symfony: Merge embedded Form
- symfony 1.0.20 リリース
- Contextual Navigation in Symfony
- УÑпешные Ð²Ð½ÐµÐ´Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Symfony: ÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ´Ð¸Ñ "Artsofte"
I wonder if you meant March instead of February ;-)
It would be great if you post somewhere an errata, change log, of what you have changed / corrected in the Joobeet book.
Because I bought the Book (Prctical Symfony - Doctrine Edition) two weeks ago and I would take care of, correct the changes into it.
Probably many other buyers need this "feature" too.
You can check here
and see the differences...
Or even better here