Symfony developers worked hard on Symfony 1.3 during this week. Besides the usual bugfixes and refactorings, Symfony 1.3 removed the common filter and the freeze/unfreeze tasks. Meanwhile, two new versions of symfony 1.2.x branch were released with tons of fixes.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about and why sfGuard uses Filter for "remember me"
Development highlights
- Milestone 1.2.6 completed
- r17680: [1.2] fix generator.yml form configuration security problem
- r17704: [1.2, 1.3] fixed typo in sfFilterConfigHandler
- r17709: [1.2, 1.3] fixed accidental unset of fields included in admin generator with partial or component flag
- r17711: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] added test that proves that passing a position to stylesheets and javascripts in view.yml is possible
- r17712: [1.0] fixed bug that prevents giving javascripts a position via view.yml the same way as for stlyesheets
- r17713, r17714: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] refactored sfViewConfigHandler
- r17749: [1.2, 1.3] fixed some PHPDoc
- r17750: [yaml] fixed PHPdoc
- r17762: [1.2, 1.3] fixed the --csrf-secret option of generate:app
- r17763: [1.3] made response tester debug() method output much more readable in case of an exception
- r17794: [1.3] removed the common filter (first time you need to execute the project:upgrade1.3 task to upgrade your existing 1.3 projects)
- r17795: [1.3] removed the project:freeze and project:unfreeze tasks
- r17798: [1.3] flagged symfony 1.0 task aliases as deprecated
- r17805: [1.3] updated the WHATS_NEW file
- r17810: [1.3] refactored sfAnsiFormatter
- r17814: [1.3] added the database connection names to the propel:insert-sql task confirmation
- r17824: [1.3] added sfForm::useFields()
- r17857: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] allows overriding the sfFinder returned by a subclass of sfFinder::type method
- r17858, r17865: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed some codeing standards
- r17860: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] wrapped fill-in fix for FCK Texteditor in sf_10_compat check
- r17861: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] MCE Texteditor now can align images correctly
- Milestone 1.2.7 completed
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- sfPropelPlugin:
- r17699: [1.2, 1.3] moved functional tests for the 1.0 admin generator in a specific directory
- r17700, r17701: [1.2, 1.3] renamed sfPropel functional tests backend application
- r17747, r17748: [1.2, 1.3] added the filter dir from sfPropelPlugin fixtures in the repo
- r17804: [1.3] added sfTask::askAndValidate() method
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 260 changesets, 23 bugs reported, 20 bugs fixed, 8 enhancements suggested, 6 enhancements closed, 6 documentation defects reported, 5 documentation defects fixed, and 9 documentation edits.
- Updated Installing symfony on 1and1 with PEAR page
- Updated Jobeet / Practical symfony book:
- chapter 9: fixed typo
- chapter 20: fixed typo with build-model task
New symfony bloggers
- Clear Cache (feed) (French)
- New plugins
- sfDoctrineActAsUuidablePlugin: port of the sfPropelUuidBehaviorPlugin for Doctrine
- cxFormExtraPlugin: yet another jQuery autocomplete Many-to-Many widget package. To be used as standalone or with Propel and Doctrine ORMs.
- ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin: provides a Behavior for Propel objects so that any changes made to them are registered an available for later audit or inspection.
- sfSympalOpenAuthPlugin: (no description)
- sfSympalTagsPlugin: (no description)
- jeCheckHostConfigPlugin: check if the host is properly configured to run this project. Quite pratical when deploying a project on several servers.
- dcWsSessionPlugin: adds security to your symfony based webservices. This is done by database driven session storage.
- sfWeatherPlugin: this plugin will get to you the weather information from
- sfRatePlugin: this plugin will get to you the rates of the currency. This is a currency converter.
- sfDomainRoutePlugin: lets you easily pass parameters in the subdomain (e.g., limit routes to certain subdomains (e.g. to one route and to another), and generate proper urls between different subdomains.
- sfClientSidePlugin: client side plugin that based on YUI interface
- sfPixlrPlugin: provides support for Pixlr image editing service API to symfony applications. It gives you helpers that generate URL-s for sending images to Pixlr service, and utility module that can automatically save your edited images.
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: refactored JS and implemented auto complete, fixed js scripts for dynamics and created auto complete dynamics package, reinit getStylesheets and getJavaScripts methods while fixing dynamics and include_stylesheets_for_form and include_javascripts_for_form helpers, fixed parent::configuration call, added window_onload template for uo_widget_form_date package to fix bug on IE6 and IE7, added some documentation, added tabs transformer
- sfSympalPlugin:
- few fixes to menu item manager
- cleaned up events for extending classes through the method_not_found event
- initial entry of sympal extend class
- refactored routing and added sympal_routes module for managing routes
- added change language icon menu helper and expanded/enhanced support for managing menus
- fixes to extending classes via events and askConfirmation()
- updated all tests
- fixed permissions check to be more specific/accurate
- fixed language codes and possible content formats
- added get_sympal_ui() helper
- refactored content lists in to sfSympalContentListPlugin
- fixed issue with plugin delete/uninstall
- fixed creation of new content records so lock is obtained on them right away
- introduced a new content slot type called widget
- added more override places and events to sympal_admin generator theme
- refactored the plugin manager
- event refactoring
- fixed issue with white screen of death (calling tableize() on a object)
- fixed issue with writing config from from web and not maintaining existing values
- sfExtraWidgetsPlugin: added Colorpicker widget, Money widget, Spin widget, Captcha widget, TinyMce widget and Currency widget, added Ip validators, removed ReCaptcha, fixed autocompleter style, fixed datepicker input render
- sfTinyDocPlugin: initial import, added new parameters for image and link, fixed a bug in meth_Locator_Replace method to get data, add new constants for parameter 'image', added tinyDocException class, fixed a problem of error message due to realpath
- sfBlogsPlugin: fixed typo in README, fixed a typo in the admin post list that created a bug in case-sensitive systems, used the latest goodness from DBFinder
- DbFinderPlugin: fixed typo in README, reverted fix in DbFinderObjectRoute::generate() (produces a warning on sf1.3, not sf 1.2)
- csSEOToolkitPlugin: big fixes for sitemapitem form, updated README
- pkContextCMSPlugin: fixed list style problem, underscores in .htaccess to match the plugin's new paths
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: pager export fixes, date format fixes, loadhelpers now using non-deprecated method, added a filter_panel css class to generated filterpanel, implemented foreign table updates, modified grouby to not join other tables, modified edit panel to not use jsonautocomplete for foreign tables, switched default gridView forcefit to false, fixed a bug in the editpanel reader where it was getting the actual table name instead of the php tablename
- sfSphinxPlugin: added SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 mode, fixed some nasty tabs
- nDoctrineRowLevelSecurityPlugin: some refactoring
- pkMediaPlugin: aesthetic fixes
- sfBBCodeParserPlugin: initial import, created the initial directory structure, extended filter, removed old config files, added demo module + routing, implemented other filters
- ysfYUIPlugin: updated yui3, integration of yui3 console with symfony web debug toolbar
- pkToolkitPlugin: fixed passing height and width as options to sfRichTextEditorWidget
- sfErrorNotifierPlugin: improved the documentation, made the email subject more explanatory
- sfAmfPlugin: fixed bug with PHP strict mode, all project lib folders are scanned for Service classes (not only the project lib folder as done so far)
- sfJqueryWidgetsPlugin: added sfWidgetFormColorPicker, moved all widgets to lib/widget
- sfXSLTViewPlugin: fixed pointing at the parent class issue
- swToolboxPlugin: added yaml export of datagrid's values, added yaml css
- nahoWikiPlugin: started 1.2 branch work, fixed create/edit page, fixed bug when preview content creates a new revision, added I18N files for "en" (skeleton) and "fr"
- sfDateTime2Plugin: refactored finalDayOfMonth code, added more unit test, added a isBisextil method
- sfTCPDFPlugin: removed language call in test2
- sfErrorHandlerPlugin: made fix to handle errors thrown where error handler should discard error because of @ suppression operator
- csDoctrineActAsAttachablePlugin: fixed bug where attachemnts weren't called if types weren't set, updated README
- csDoctrineActAsSortablePlugin: added stylesheets for sortable images
- sfDoctrineAdminWithShow: applied bug and security fix
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: corrected the Mercator projections for the GMapCoord::fromPixToLat and GMapCoord::fromLatToPix functions, used PHP pi() and deg2rad functions for better precision, created tests for the Mercator projections, added the GMapBounds::getBoundsContainingMarkers($markers) function, added the GMap::centerAndZoomOnMarkers() function which enables to guess zoom and center of the map to fit the markers. Center is easy to guess. Zoom uses width and height of smallest bound, pixel width and height of the map and Mercator projection, replaced the mass center calculation by a minimal enclosing bounds center, GMapCoord::distance() function to calculate very efficiently approximate distance between markers, stop using 2.x version of Google Maps which used to be stable but is not anymore, now it's possible to add multiple controls to the map
- Direktno: (Bosnian) pay-per-view portal
- Avtoprodaga: (Russian) Auto social network, with blogs, maps, auto notices, auto clubs
- Bahunet: (French) site de partage de cours / polycopiés, fiches, résumés et d'entraide scolaire en général.
- OvernetCity: (French) site de présentation d'Olivier Balais et de ses réalisations
- Glamour Village: (Deutsch) a shopping club offering exclusive brands up to 70% off
- RSS2twitter: (English) RSS feed to twitter service
They talked about us
- Symfony Doctrine Translated Behavior (Google_Translation, Live_Translation,...)
- Symfony Form: unsetAllFieldsExcept()
- Se publica Symfony 1.2.6
- Introducing Code Usability
- Symfony 1.2.6 released and available at ServerGrove
- [symfony] doctrineでクエリーログが出ない
- Forms Are Evil #2: Validation
- Basic forms with Symfony
- Speedup: Profile your symfony app using Xdebug
- Effectuer un pré et/ou post traitement dans vos actions Symfony
- La comunidad de Symfony crece de forma imparable
- Zend Framework autoloader deprecated warning
- Left Join с несколькими условиями для Propel Criteria
- limeでなるべく気軽にユニットテストを書く
- Going for Symfony | 第八天
- Upgrade to Symfony 1.2: Have your layouts stopped working?
- Symfony propel:build-model erro
- Symfony 1.2 Admin with custom primary key
- Jobeet - 15日目: フィード
- symfony l10n - going further
- Session time out in Symfony
- Implementing email login with sfGuardPlugin
- Symfony 1.2 のsfFormは使うべきか?
- [php][symfony]symfonyのセキュリティfixとアドミンジェネレータ
- How to create a new admin-gen theme in symfony 1.2
- [symfonyメモ]sfFormの汚染された値とクリーンな値について
- symfony的安装
- symfony1.1.7 設定ファイルschema.ymlからテーブルを作成
- Desinstalar Symfony
- [symfony] symfony1.0 と symfony1.2 を SVN で管理して共存させる方法
- [symfonyメモ]sfFormで画像アップロード
- HOWTO: Symfony Framework 1.2 en Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04
- symfony 404 not foundページのテンプレートをカスタマイズする
- [PHP] Symfony
- symfony1.2.6セキュリティリリース
- Se publica Symfony 1.2.7
- Formulaires symfony: Traitement sur la valeur d'un champ à la sauvegarde
URL to is invalid. Has an extra "/" after http://
Hardeep Khehra
Thanks for your notice. It's fixed now.
Why remove freeze/unfreeze?
@Me Again: It is explained in the WHAT_S_NEW tutorial:
It looks like the Scriptaculous Javascript Library is not being loaded at: