What a wonderful week for symfony! The first symfony live conference took place with great success. Symfony 1.3 showed some of its new features: poject creation customization and Doctrine as its default ORM. Symfony community also joined the celebration publishing the 600th symfony plugin.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about and sharing data between plugins
Development highlights
- r19056: [1.3] added sfFilesystem::execute() and made project:deploy output real-time feedback
- r19110: [1.3] removed old code from database classes that cannot work with both the CLI and the web
- r19116: [1.3] added a --installer option to the generate:project task, and added a --orm option to choose the ORM at project creation time
- r19162: [1.3] added static injection of the event dispatcher to sfFormSymfony, form events
- r19218: [1.3] removed sfPropelPlugin in the default list of plugins in sfProjectConfiguration
- r19242: [1.3] sfPluginManager::installPlugin() now returns the name of the installed plugin
- r19244: [1.2, 1.3] fixed admin gen CSS
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 243 changesets, 25 bugs reported, 5 bugs fixed, 1 enhancement suggested, 6 documentation defects reported, 2 documentation defects fixed, and 9 documentation edits.
- Updated How to contribute to symfony, and PHPEdit pages
New Job Postings
- Symfony developer at www.autoaid.de - full-time based in Berlin, Germany - Contact: info [at] autoaid [dot] de
- Stefan Koopmanschap: is a long-time professional PHP engineer who is looking for a new challenge. He can do (lead) developer, consulting, training and has a big link with the PHP community as well as the symfony community. He joined the symfony community around 0.6.3 and has been actively advocating symfony. He is not available on project-basis, but is looking at a regular (permanent) contract.
New symfony bloggers
- Personal weblog of Don Pinkster (feed) (English)
- hnZendGdataPlugin: An easy way for you to include the Zend Gdata library in your project. Provides APIs for accessing Google services such as YouTube, Picasa, Blogger and Google Docs.
- trOidPropelBehaviorPlugin: provides automatic generation of "Object IDentifier" for any propel object.
- sfWidgetFormInputSWFUploadPlugin: SWFUpload is a small JavaScript/Flash library to get the best of both worlds. It features the great upload capabilities of Flash and the accessibility and ease of HTML/CSS.
- urCronPlugin: a lifestream plugin which permit you to publish on your website your online activity from various social platform.
- sfAuditPlugin: aims at easing a symfony project auditing by automatically finding anything that is a bad (or at least dubious) practice.
- sfManagedCachePlugin: allows the automatic refreshing of cached data in the background without interrupting delivery of existing cached data.
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: updated tests, fixed sfUoStringHelper::getJavascriptConfiguration(), fixed sfUoWidgetFormRange widget, added "configmanager", "loader" and "widget" mock classes, fixed sfUoWidget unit test, updated CHANGELOG and README, fixed examples, fixed sfUoStringHelper::getJavascriptConfigurationCallback method, fixed sfUoStringHelper::getJavascriptConfigurationCallback method, fixed some behavior for sfDynamics
- sfCombinePlugin: fixed call to helper
- sfJqueryFormValidationPlugin: started adding support for more validators
- sfMapFishPlugin: initial import, updated README, updated default print config file for 1.0 release, added missing GeoJSON lib & fixes typo
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: set js_name to global scope so other Javascript functions can access it, solved the "GMap::centerAndZoomOnMarkers($markers) with count($markers)<2 problem" by returning a default zoom of 14 when less than two coordinates are given as argument, extend function GMap::geocode() to enable caching of results to the local database (can be enabled/disabled through app_google_maps_caching)
- pkContextCMSPlugin:
- rewrote the global button support so it doesn't cause chicken-and-egg problems
- documented how to enable fck via pkToolkitPlugin
- added missing required javascript from Toolkit
- added jquery hotkey plugin
- cleaned up default templates bundled with pkContextCMS
- improved editablePathComponentHelper
- handle the global button extensions via sfEvent
- reworked Tabbed navigation sorting, classes, default appearance
- moved some pk-controls CSS over to pkToolkit
- interactive command line installation script
- _login.php no longer contains hardcoded login/logout route names
- fixed issues with admin privileges leaking in non-Trinity-like setups
- added plugin assets web folders
- default layouts styled
- Context and Media sharing app level layout
- updated Templates
- created a simple navigation component
- slightly better fixtures
- default image for logo slot so a home link works right away
- styles are now loaded by loading the helper which makes them useful for global slots in non-CMS actions
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: global button support rewritten, handle the global button extensions via sfEvent, defaultImage option specifies an image to be displayed when no image has been selected yet for an image slot
- sfDataGridPlugin: added setCriteria to sfDatagridPropel.class.php, added trim for search
- sfI18NTranslatorPlugin: logger handles firebug console, added getContext in action class
- pkToolkitPlugin: fck now has a single home in our projects, tweaked CSS, login screen, moved hotkey js to toolkit from context, disabled keyboard toggle again, added default user admin styles, fixed cancel button, event-default for pk-cancel buttons does not allow ajaxy js to overrule the button
- bhLDAPAuthPlugin: manually merged trunk changes into 1.1 branch, added symfony 1.1 compatibility, security, navigation and other stuff added in the template, updated README, layout navigation tweaks in test app, remember me and SSL plugin url updated in README, fixed navigation to comments, slight modernization of sf_params, fixes for symfony 1.2, updated install instructions
- pkMediaPlugin: added media plugin wrapper div, added pkMedia default layout, partial fix for the public/hidden bug
- sfFilebasePlugin: multi file upload, added CSS stuff on swfupload widget, swfupload css stuff and error events, solved autoload issue of sfFilebasePluginUploadedFile, added swfupload support and tree widget support, added synch mechanism between multi file upload and ext tree
- sfDoctrineApplyPlugin: fixed incorrect references to sfDoctrineApplyApplyForm in README, documentation tweak
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: fix for toolbar handler function, fixed bug where autocomplete wasn't getting columns from edit.display, fixed comboboxautload bug where it wasn't throwing the proper event when the clear trigger was pressed
- sfEzcWorkflowPlugin: fixed the autoload procedure for bundled ezcomponent
- sfSympalPlugin: added ability to configure what class to use for menus, fixed issue with glob(), small changes for tests, added first and last css classes to menu li tags, fixed issue with save and add, BC refactorings (cleaned big ugly classes into smaller and more sensible classes),
- pkPersistentFileUploadPlugin: updated release info
- sfImageTransformPlugin: improved documentation, added new default "fit" thumbnailer, added new line transform for ImageMagick, removed alignment code until its handles correctly multiline text, added generic resize transform and renamed adapter specific transform to sfResizeSimple, rewritten README, added width, height and color to the options for new images, updated thumbnail example, improved transparency when using GD adapter
- sfDynamicsPlugin: fixed some compatibility problems, added explicit exceptions
- ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin: fixed encoding problems when dealing with mssql databases, class ncchangelogentryActions has been moved to lib/autoNcchangelogentryActions so the ncchangelogentry module can be easily overriden
- dsExtDirectPlugin: fixed bug where in generator where a len of 1 would generate 'this.onRead is not a function' error, updated README
- swToolboxPlugin: fixed issue with functional test generation
- sfDoctrineGraphvizPlugin: command option application is now marked as optional, added PHPDoc blocks, schema form classes files will be now created in data/graph/doctrine, retrieve all models with Doctrine::loadModels, many other code improvements
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: fix to allow gettags work with a set of tags and using machine tagging, some changes to allow getAllTagNameWithCount work with triple=true
- MiFiebre: (Spanish) a web portal of car racing
- Mundo Reggaeton: (Spanish) a web portal of Reggaeton Music
- iBiblia: (Spanish) the latin Bible for the iPhone
They talked about us
- Assign an environment to a subdomain in Symfony
- La signature électronique : un plug-in CertEurope pour Symfony
- How can i check the count of database queries in my unit test?
- Intégration de la librairie XAJAX (admin generator) - Partie 1
- Intégration de la librairie XAJAX (admin generator) - Partie 2
- La signature électronique s'embarque dans les sites web : un plug-in CertEurope pour Symfony
- Traduire l’admin generator symfony
- 16 PHP Frameworks To Consider For Your Next Project
- Loading Different Javascript/CSS Files in Different Environments
- Worker classes in symfony – Part 1
- La primera gran novedad de Symfony 1.3
- Running Zend Server on Mac OS X
- Comienza el Symfony Live 2009
- sfLive 09 paris - functional test generation
- How can i use embed forms or simgle form fields depend on a form field?
- Worker classes in symfony – Part 2
- Crónica del primer día del Symfony Live 2009
- Symfony-Konferenz in Paris hat begonnen
- Des nouveautés pour Symfony 1.3
- Symfony Live -Day 2
- Display a symfony form without labels
- Crónica del segundo día del Symfony Live 2009
- 2009 Symfony Developers Survey Results
- Look Around!
- Symfony : un framework PHP adapté aux applications professionnelles
- limeにプラグイン機構を乗っけてみた
- PHPで簡単に配列の値をエスケープ処理する方法
- Interview de Fabien Potencier : Fondateur de Symfony
- Résumé du 1er Symfony Live
- [symfonyメモ]sfThumbnailPluginでサムネイル画像を作る
- Symfony 1.2 + Oracle 10g XE + Propel 1.3
- Recopilación de enlaces: aplicaciones y programación
- Symfony = bonnes pratiques + encouragement des développeurs
- ブラウザで快適に見れるSymfony開発チートシート
- actAs: Accountable Doctrine Behaviour
- PHP : Première édition du Symfony Live
- Symfony Live : Evènement juin 2009
- Symfony PHP
- symfonyを使ったサイトリリース時のチェック項目
- symfonyのFabien Potencierさんインタビュー
- Get up and running quickly with the symfony trunk
- Symfony 1.2 on Redhat and CentOS
- My development environment for symfony
sfManagedCachePlugin, which was released on the 10th, isn't listed here.
Robin, thanks for your notice. We've just added your plugin.
We didn't include your plugin because symfony's Trac timeline doesn't show it: http://trac.symfony-project.org/timeline?from=06/10/09&daysback=0&ticket=on&milestone=on&changeset=on&wiki=on&update=Update