Symfony project introduced this week its new community manager and detailed its future symfony 1.3 and 1.4 releases. In addition, symfony marketplace expanded with new developers available to hire and new symfony job postings.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about symfony community growth and OpenID and dovetailing the end of Symfony 1.0 support with RHEL6
Development highlights
- r20740, r20780, r20784: [1.3] removed unnecessary changes to function signatures
- r20798: [1.3] added a default formatting for global errors in the formatter abstract class
- r20802: [1.2, 1.3] fixed symfony exception Content Encoding Error
- r20821: [1.3] removed log message when merging plugin test files
- r20831, r20834: [1.3] fixed detection of terminal width
- r20837: [1.3] made the generate:project independant of the plugin system
- r20846, r20854, r20869: [1.3] added support for passing an associative array of arguments and options to sfTask::run()
- r20859: [1.3] added sfBaseTask::setConfiguration() mutator to avoid creating multiple configuration objects
- r20862: [1.3] updated project:disable and project:enable tasks to allow execution on all applications in a given environment
- r20870: [1.2, 1.3] fixed invalid confirm attribute in html showing up by not unseeting the confirm attribute passed into javascript functions
- r20938: [1.3] fixed BaseForm upgrade so classes that extend sfForm now extend BaseForm
- r20941: [1.3] added sfWidgetFormInputText and made sfWidgetFormInput abstract
- r20955: [lime 2.0] changed API of mocking methods that are called with any parameters
- r20959, r20960: [lime 2.0] introduced LimeTesterException for comparing exceptions ignoring their file, line and trace
- r20962: [lime 2.0] lime 2 now deals with cyclic object dependencies correctly
- r20965: [lime 2.0] modified method signature LimeOutputInterface::error() to accept an Exception object
- r20968: [lime 2.0] options can now always be set from the CLI
- r20970: [lime 2.0] implemented display of exception traces by adding the switch --verbose or setting the option 'verbose' to true
- r20975: [lime 2.0] improved TAP compliance
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r20841: [1.3] fixed coding standards on generated Doctrine form classes
- r20861: [1.3] fixed inclusion of m2m widgets in doctrine inheritance forms
- r20867: [1.3] fixed refreshing of autoloader from inside generator tasks and removed unnecessary use of sfSimpleAutoload
- r20939, r20940: [1.3] fix data task class names and added upgrade for renamed task classes
- sfPropelPlugin:
- ...and many other changes
- yaml:
- r20887: small performance improvement in comment line checking by not using strpos
Development digest: 269 changesets, 16 bugs reported, 4 bugs fixed, 5 enhancements suggested, 5 documentation defects reported, 8 documentation defects fixed, and 57 documentation edits.
- Updated Chinese, Italian, and Japanese translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated 1 day 1 ticket page
- Updated symfony 1.2 forms book:
- chapter 11: fixed toString() error, some rewording and formatting corrections, major rewrite to reflect removal of atomic crud generation
New Job Postings
- Symfony / PHP developer at Tamundo - full-time based in Berlin, Germany - Contact: jobs [at] tamundo [dot] de
- Symfony developer at Pine Cone Hill - full-time based in Massachusetts, USA
- Symfony developers at EOS UPTRADE GmbH - full-time based in Hamburg, Germany - Contact: michael [dot] kujas [at] eos-uptrade [dot] de
- EOS UPTRADE GmbH: is an Hamburg, Germany based company. Our development staff speaks German and English and uses symfony for our scaling and modular products.
- Kris Wallsmith: is a member of the symfony core team and release manager for versions 1.3 and 1.4. Based in Portland, Oregon USA. Doctrine, Propel. !MooTools, jQuery, Prototype/Scriptaculous.
- Redpill Linpro: is the Nordic region's leading open source provider, home to professional developers in many fields, including PHP and symfony.
- Laigu Serveis d'Enginyeria: catalan company localized in Barcelona. We are experts in web development, smartphone applications, linux embedded and 3D development.
New symfony bloggers
- XSolve labolatory (feed) (English, and Polish)
- Symfony Guide (feed) (French)
- (feed) (Spanish)
- New plugins
- prestaSitemapPlugin: provides an easy way to generate a sitemap.xml (quick to use, cached, compliant with v0.9 protocol, works with more than 50.000 urls, multi-domain support).
- sfMooPlugin: (no description)
- sfWashingtonStateTaxPlugin: the state of Washington (in the US) has a regional taxing scheme that requires washington based businesses to tax washington customers at different rates depending on where the customer is located. This API allows one to query the servers provided by the state of washington for the tax rate of a given address.
- sfYahooGeocoderPlugin: provides an API to ease the manipulation of the Yahoo! Geocoding service. The Yahoo! Geocoding service allows developpers to obtain geographical data (latitude, longitude, zip code, city...) according to a physical address.
- diemPlugin: full stack professional CMF for Symfony 1.3 and Doctrine 1.2.
- ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin: lots of changes, ncChangeLogEntryPeer::getChangeLogOfObject now retrieves adapter instances
- tmCsvPlugin: support for encoding functions, added more unit tests, class can now handle different encodings, added a writer class, added classes for writing to CSV
- sfExtraWidgetsPlugin: codepress update for new widget code, added Form Code input, moved livepipe.js to root js, added Markdown input field, fixed sfExtraWidgetFormInputSearch.class.php for doctrine support, fixed sfExtraWidgetFormMarkdown.class.php heading button
- sfAtosPaymentPlugin: missing errors code with bank_reponse_code
- pkMediaPlugin: inadvertently broke image uploads while implementing PDF, more PDF support, fixed the API was reporting absolute URLs for some fields and relative (but rooted) URLs for others, added back button from showSuccess, cleaned up pkMediaPlugin sidebar
- sfPhpunitPlugin: adapted unit and functional testing workflow
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: first cut of PDF slot
- pkImageConverterPlugin: documented PDF input format support
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: nonbreaking spaces are no longer inserted into the left spacer as browsers were actually submitting them, updated CSS suggestions, updated documentation
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: updated ajax_search JS behavior: do not ajax search if search subject is empty
- pkContextCMSPlugin: pkContextCMSPage::getParent() now populates the title slot with the latest version, work in progress toward a custom routing class to allow multiple engine pages per engine is checked in here but is not actually executing yet, all CSS/JS/helper assets are now loaded by _pk_context_cms_required_assets() at the beginning of the pkContextCMS helper, cleaned up cmstest, moved sidebar to default plugin templates, enabled PDF CMS Slot in CMSTEST, improved the bundled CMS templates, experimental personal settings form is now unavailable to the user unless expressly enabled via app.yml, added withSlots option to getChildren(), cache the global page for better performance with more than one global slot in a page, take care to clear the slot cache for child pages fetched by getChildren() so that two separate calls can fetch the same pages with different slots
- sfLucenePlugin: add options to ignore indexing (usefull with unit testing of model)
- spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin: correct Action button diseapear with the last correction, added compatibility with the capcha field form sfExtraWidgetPlugin
- sfDynamicsPlugin: error checking, updated documentation, removed symfony 1.1 support
- pkToolkitPlugin: refactored the code for toggling a dropdown modal dialog, added convenient function to enable/disable other elements based on the state of a checkbox, added a field wrapper around the field, our standard fckconfig.js now disables all manifestations of the FCK file browser
- sfUPSShippingPlugin: updated to beta and symfony version compatability, updated readme
- sfAuthorizeNetCIMPlugin: updated symfony version compatability, updated readme
- sfAmfPlugin: updated SambreAmf, added default module for gateway, improved the Doctrine Adapters
- sfDoctrineApplyPlugin: code formatting
- sfDatagridPlugin: added sfDatagrid::getColumnsFilters(), added sfDatagrid::getcolumnsSort(), now Jquery Compatible
- sfPropelImpersonatorPlugin: added missing setCulture on i18n object parents to allow to retrieve right translation objects, added toArray method to allow dumping and exporting impersonated objects
- sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: fixed incorrect use of PHP comment in the middle of a quoted PHP string, jq_link_to_function is now a copy of link_to_function with the "confirm breaks in IE" bug fixed
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: changed all remote combo's to use jsonCombo and no longer use jsonAutoComplete, changed list and update methods to work better and be more consistant with setting foreign keys
- sfUploadManagerPlugin: added a plugin action class
- dsExtDirectPlugin: added named parameters support, updated README
- ckWebServicePlugin: added doc comments to new object wrapper layer, removed unnecessary files from test fixture, updated README, updated plugin config, implemented ckPropelPropertyStrategy, added functional tests for new object wrapper layer, merged changes from 1.1 branch
- swToolboxPlugin: added functional test with fork
- Nimmermehr: (Deutsch) the website of a german hardrock band
- FiLife: (English) a Personal Finance destination focused on Family Finance and helping people get their finances in shape
- (English) listen to your favorite online radio stations with playlist information and enjoy!
- Quiniela15: (Spanish) football predictions game for the Spanish League
They talked about us
- Serving PDF Files through Symfony Controllers
- Si avvicina la release 1.3 di symfony, preparate le vostre applicazioni alla migrazione.
- Clear Cache
- Symfony 1.2 + admin generator + jquery layout plugin
- 国外十大最流行PHP框架排名
- Ottimizzare symfony su DreamHost
- 「PHPカンファレンス2009」参加受付を開始 今年はFacebookやsymfonyの開発者が来日
- Les premières vidéos de Symfony Live 2009 sont en ligne
- sfAmfPlugin 1.4.2
- Doctrine et son Behavior Geographical
- Symfony forms – Flexible widgets based on user credentials
- Automatyczna inwigilacja kodu
- Połączenie sfGuardUser oraz sfGuardUserProfile
- Symfony and Caching Configuration Options
- Déployer un projet Symfony avec Rsync
- Netbeans 6.8 & Symfony support
- FOSS Fridays: MacGyvered Key/Value in Symfony
- Scalability and frameworks
- Symfony jobs resources list
- Symfony and ExtJS Grid Search
- Résoudre l'erreur: 'There is no open connection'
- Ajouter un champ vide via un sfWidget pour un Filter
- Scalability and frameworks - Part 2
- Proyecto en symfony con netbeans
- L'autocompletion sur un input text du backend
- Frameworks PHP recomendados, guía para principiantes
- Frameworks de PHP, un acercamiento...
- Symfony Admin-Generator auf Deutsch für Symfony 1.1
- Customized 404, 500 error pages in symfony
- Symfony plays the right tune
- Symfony - how to include a partial into an external Web Site
- A la práctica con Jobeet
- Symfony Open Source PHP Frameworks
- Symfony Day Keulen
- うまくいかんよ OpnePNE3 in xrea
- Wie es mit Symfony weitergeht
- [symfony] view.ymlのstylesheets設定で複数のオプションをつける
- phpのsymfonyフレームワークのlibファイルのインストールについて
- Symfony sur une machine virtuelle Ubuntu (compatible VMware, VirtualBox..)
I'm a British guy, and I find it infuriating that the only training you offer in Europe is only in French.....i really do not want to travel all the way to the States to do some Symfony training in English. It's ridiculous. When will you offer English courses within the EU?
@Jamie: First, I think you'd better write an email to Sensio directly. Second, we would be more than happy to organize such a training, but there is no enough people asking for one. We have already organized English trainings in the past, and as soon as enough people ask us for another one, we will plan one.
Hi Jamie, have a look at and follow it up.